Gauri Jagatap
Gauri Jagatap
Senior Researcher, Dolby Laboratories
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Algorithmic guarantees for inverse imaging with untrained network priors
G Jagatap, C Hegde
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
Fast, sample-efficient algorithms for structured phase retrieval
G Jagatap, C Hegde
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 4917-4927, 2017
Sample-efficient algorithms for recovering structured signals from magnitude-only measurements
G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (7), 4434-4456, 2019
Sample efficient fourier ptychography for structured data
G Jagatap, Z Chen, S Nayer, C Hegde, N Vaswani
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 6, 344-357, 2019
Phase Retrieval using Untrained Neural Network Priors
G Jagatap, C Hegde
NeurIPS workshop on Solving Inverse Problems with Deep Networks, 2019
Sub-diffraction Imaging using Fourier Ptychography and Structured Sparsity
G Jagatap, Z Chen, C Hegde, N Vaswani
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2018
Low rank Fourier ptychography
Z Chen, G Jagatap, S Nayer, C Hegde, N Vaswani
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing …, 2018
Adversarially Robust Learning via Entropic Regularization
G Jagatap, A Joshi, AB Chowdhury, S Garg, C Hegde
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 4, 780843, 2022
Adversarial token attacks on vision transformers
A Joshi, G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE CVPR Workshop on Transformers for Vision, 2021
Provable compressed sensing with generative priors via langevin dynamics
TV Nguyen, G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022
Linearly Convergent Algorithms for Learning Shallow Residual Networks
G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2018
High dynamic range imaging using deep image priors
G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2020
Towards Sample-Optimal Methods for Solving Random Quadratic Equations with Structure
G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2018
Inverse imaging with generative priors via Langevin dynamics
TV Nguyen, G Jagatap, C Hegde
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Model corrected low-rank ptychography
G Jagatap, Z Chen, C Hegde, N Vaswani
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018
Can Deepfakes be created on a whim?
P Mehta, G Jagatap, K Gallagher, B Timmerman, P Deb, S Garg, ...
Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 1324-1334, 2023
A Few Adversarial Tokens Can Break Vision Transformers
A Joshi, SC Akula, G Jagatap, C Hegde
IEEE CVPR Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning on Computer Vision, 2023
Sparse, Neural and Adversarial Constraints for Non-Convex Image Problems
G Jagatap
New York University Tandon School of Engineering, 2022
Adversarially robust learning via entropic regularization
G Jagatap, A Joshi, AB Chowdhury, S Garg, C Hegde
ICML Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning, 2021
Algorithmic Guarantees for Inverse Imaging with Untrained Neural Network Priors
GB Jagatap, C Hegde
Iowa State University MS, 2019
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