Benjamin Toff
Benjamin Toff
Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
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Cited by
“I Just Google It”: Folk Theories of Distributed Discovery
B Toff, RK Nielsen
Journal of Communication 68 (3), 636-657, 2018
Explaining the Gender Gap in News Avoidance:“News-Is-for-Men” Perceptions and the Burdens of Caretaking
B Toff, RA Palmer
Journalism Studies 20 (11), 1563-1579, 2019
All the News that’s Fit to Ignore: How the Information Environment Does and Does Not Shape News Avoidance
BJ Toff, A Kalogeropoulos
Public Opinion Quarterly, 2020
The fact of experience: Rethinking political knowledge and civic competence
KJ Cramer, B Toff
Perspectives on Politics 15 (3), 754-770, 2017
“The Media Covers Up a Lot of Things”: Watchdog Ideals Meet Folk Theories of Journalism
R Palmer, B Toff, RK Nielsen
Journalism Studies 21 (14), 1973-1989, 2020
What Does it Take to Sustain a News Habit? The Role of Civic Duty Norms and a Connection to a "News Community" Among News Avoiders in the UK and Spain
R Palmer, B Toff
International Journal of Communication 14, 1634-1653, 2020
The ‘Nate Silver effect’on political journalism: Gatecrashers, gatekeepers, and changing newsroom practices around coverage of public opinion polls
B Toff
Journalism 20 (7), 1464884917731655, 2019
How News Feels: Anticipated Anxiety as a Factor in News Avoidance and a Barrier to Political Engagement
B Toff, RK Nielsen
Political Communication 39 (6), 697-714, 2022
Listening to what trust in news means to users: Qualitative evidence from four countries
BJ Toff, S Badrinathan, C Mont'Alverne, AR Arguedas, R Fletcher, ...
What we think we know and what we want to know: Perspectives on trust in news in a changing world
B Toff, S Badrinathan, C Mont'Alverne, A Ross Arguedas, R Fletcher, ...
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2020
Overcoming indifference: what attitudes towards news tell us about building trust
B Toff, S Badrinathan, C Mont'Alverne, A Ross Arguedas, R Fletcher, ...
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2021
Is Social Media Killing Local News? An Examination of Engagement and Ownership Patterns in US Community News on Facebook
B Toff, N Mathews
Digital Journalism, 1-20, 2021
The trust gap: how and why news on digital platforms is viewed more sceptically versus news in general
C Mont’Alverne, S Badrinathan, AR Arguedas, B Toff, R Fletcher, ...
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2022
How Right-Wing Populists Engage with Cross-Cutting News on Online Message Boards: The Case of ForoCoches and Vox in Spain
CJ Miro, B Toff
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612211072696, 2022
Partisan conformity, social identity, and the formation of policy preferences
B Toff, E Suhay
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 31 (2), 349-367, 2019
Avoiding the News: Reluctant Audiences for Journalism
B Toff, R Palmer, RK Nielsen
Columbia University Press, 2023
The watchdog press in the doghouse: A comparative study of attitudes about accountability journalism, trust in news, and news avoidance
A Kalogeropoulos, B Toff, R Fletcher
The International Journal of Press/Politics 29 (2), 485-506, 2024
Exploring the effects of polls on public opinion: How and when media reports of policy preferences can become self-fulfilling prophesies
B Toff
Research & Politics 5 (4), 2053168018812215, 2018
News for the powerful and privileged: how misrepresentation and underrepresentation of disadvantaged communities undermines their trust in news
A Ross Arguedas, R Nielsen, S Banerjee, C Mont’Alverne, B Toff, ...
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2023
Examining assumptions around how news avoidance gets defined: The importance of overall news consumption, intention, and structural inequalities
R Palmer, B Toff, RK Nielsen
Journalism Studies 24 (6), 697-714, 2023
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