Gustavo Suarez
Gustavo Suarez
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Securitization without risk transfer
VV Acharya, P Schnabl, G Suarez
Journal of Financial economics 107 (3), 515-536, 2013
Bank leverage and monetary policy's risk‐taking channel: evidence from the United States
G Dell'Ariccia, L Laeven, GA Suarez
the Journal of Finance 72 (2), 613-654, 2017
The evolution of a financial crisis: Collapse of the asset‐backed commercial paper market
D Covitz, N Liang, GA Suarez
The Journal of Finance 68 (3), 815-848, 2013
Sovereign credit risk, banks' government support, and bank stock returns around the world
R Correa, KH Lee, H Sapriza, GA Suarez
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 46 (s1), 93-121, 2014
How effective were the Federal Reserve emergency liquidity facilities? Evidence from the asset‐backed commercial paper money market mutual fund liquidity facility
B Duygan‐Bump, P Parkinson, E Rosengren, GA Suarez, P Willen
The journal of finance 68 (2), 715-737, 2013
The evolution of a financial crisis: Panic in the asset-backed commercial paper market
DM Covitz, N Liang, GA Suarez
Updating the racial wealth gap
JP Thompson, G Suarez
FEDS working paper, 2015
The insensitivity of investment to interest rates: Evidence from a survey of CFOs
SA Sharpe, G Suarez
FEDS Working Paper, 2013
Dynamic debt runs and financial fragility: Evidence from the 2007 ABCP crisis
E Schroth, GA Suarez, LA Taylor
Journal of Financial Economics 112 (2), 164-189, 2014
'Captive markets': the impact of kidnappings on corporate investment in Colombia
G Suarez, R Pshisva
FEDS Working Paper, 2006
Capital crimes: Kidnappings and corporate investment in Colombia
R Pshisva, GA Suarez
The economics of crime: Lessons for and from Latin America, 63-97, 2010
Bootstrap validity for the score test when instruments may be weak
MJ Moreira, JR Porter, GA Suarez
Journal of Econometrics 149 (1), 52-64, 2009
Política fiscal
L Fergusson, G Suarez
Universidad de los Andes, 2010
Why isn't investment more sensitive to interest rates: evidence from surveys
SA Sharpe, G Suarez
Available at SSRN 2667352, 2015
Firm volatility and banks: evidence from US banking deregulation
R Correa, G Suarez
AFA 2009 San Francisco Meetings Paper, 2007
Why isn’t business investment more sensitive to interest rates? evidence from surveys
SA Sharpe, GA Suarez
Management Science 67 (2), 720-741, 2021
Bootstrap and higher-order expansion validity when instruments may be weak
M Moreira, JR Porter, GA Suarez
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004
Accounting for racial wealth disparities in the United States
JP Thompson, G Suarez
FRB of Boston Working Paper, 2019
The anatomy of a financial crisis: The evolution of panic-driven runs in the asset-backed commercial paper market
D Covitz, N Liang, G Suarez
Finance and Economics Discussion Series Working Paper 36, 2009
US Corporations' Repatriation of Offshore Profits: Evidence from 2018
M Smolyansky, G Suarez, A Tabova
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Articles 1–20