An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, MW Chase, MJM Christenhusz, MF Fay, ... Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 181 (1), 1-20, 2016 | 10292* | 2016 |
Improvements to resampling measures of group support PA Goloboff, JS Farris, M Källersjö, B Oxelman, MJ Ramıacute; rez, ... Cladistics 19 (4), 324-332, 2003 | 989 | 2003 |
Chloroplastrps16 intron phylogeny of the tribeSileneae (Caryophyllaceae) B Oxelman, M Lidén, D Berglund Plant systematics and Evolution 206, 393-410, 1997 | 838 | 1997 |
Reliability of Bayesian posterior probabilities and bootstrap frequencies in phylogenetics P Erixon, B Svennblad, T Britton, B Oxelman Systematic biology 52 (5), 665-673, 2003 | 791 | 2003 |
Phylogenies without roots? A plea for the use of vouchers in molecular phylogenetic studies F Pleijel, U Jondelius, E Norlinder, A Nygren, B Oxelman, C Schander, ... Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48 (1), 369-371, 2008 | 544 | 2008 |
A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales P Hernández-Ledesma, WG Berendsohn, T Borsch, S Von Mering, ... Willdenowia 45 (3), 281-383, 2015 | 442 | 2015 |
Piecing together the “new” Plantaginaceae DC Albach, HM Meudt, B Oxelman American Journal of Botany 92 (2), 297-315, 2005 | 399 | 2005 |
Further disintegration of Scrophulariaceae B Oxelman, P Kornhall, RG Olmstead, B Bremer Taxon 54 (2), 411-425, 2005 | 313 | 2005 |
Inferring the history of the polyploid Silene aegaea (Caryophyllaceae) using plastid and homoeologous nuclear DNA sequences M Popp, B Oxelman Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 20 (3), 474-481, 2001 | 253 | 2001 |
More characters or more taxa for a robust phylogeny—case study from the coffee family (Rubiaceae) B Bremer, RK Jansen, B Oxelman, M Backlund, H Lantz, KJ Kim Systematic Biology 48 (3), 413-435, 1999 | 251 | 1999 |
DISSECT: an assignment-free Bayesian discovery method for species delimitation under the multispecies coalescent G Jones, Z Aydin, B Oxelman Bioinformatics 31 (7), 991-998, 2015 | 247 | 2015 |
Generic boundaries in the tribe Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae) as inferred from nuclear rDNA sequences B Oxelman, M Lidén Taxon 44 (4), 525-542, 1995 | 204 | 1995 |
Relationships of the Buddlejaceae s. 1. Investigated using parsimony jackknife and branch support analysis of chloroplast ndhF and rbcL sequence data B Oxelman, M Backlund, B Bremer Systematic Botany, 164-182, 1999 | 190 | 1999 |
Phylogenetic relationships within the Gentianales based on ndhF and rbcL sequences, with particular reference to the Loganiaceae M Backlund, B Oxelman, B Bremer American Journal of Botany 87 (7), 1029-1043, 2000 | 179 | 2000 |
A revised generic classification of the tribe Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae) B Oxelman, M Liden, RK Rabeler, M Popp Nordic journal of botany 20 (6), 743-748, 2000 | 168 | 2000 |
Hybrid origins and homoploid reticulate evolution within Heliosperma (Sileneae, Caryophyllaceae)—a multigene phylogenetic approach with relative dating B Frajman, F Eggens, B Oxelman Systematic Biology 58 (3), 328-345, 2009 | 153 | 2009 |
Origin and evolution of a circumpolar polyploid species complex in Silene (Caryophyllaceae) inferred from low copy nuclear RNA polymerase introns, rDNA, and chloroplast DNA M Popp, P Erixon, F Eggens, B Oxelman Systematic botany 30 (2), 302-313, 2005 | 152 | 2005 |
Whole-Gene Positive Selection, Elevated Synonymous Substitution Rates, Duplication, and Indel Evolution of the Chloroplast clpP1 Gene P Erixon, B Oxelman PloS one 3 (1), e1386, 2008 | 146 | 2008 |
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial substitution rate variation in the angiosperm tribe Sileneae DB Sloan, B Oxelman, A Rautenberg, DR Taylor BMC Evolutionary Biology 9, 1-16, 2009 | 141 | 2009 |
Embracing heterogeneity: coalescing the Tree of Life and the future of phylogenomics GA Bravo, A Antonelli, CD Bacon, K Bartoszek, MPK Blom, S Huynh, ... PeerJ 7, e6399, 2019 | 140 | 2019 |