Seraphine F. Maerz
Cited by
Cited by
V-Dem Dataset v11 (v11.1)
M Coppedge, J Gerring, CH Knutsen, SI Lindberg, J Teorell, D Altman, ...
Autocratization Turns Viral. Democracy Report 2021
N Alizada, R Cole, L Gastaldi, S Grahn, S Hellmeier, P Kolvani, ...
Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg: V-Dem Institute, 2021
Autocratization Surges–Resistance Grows. Democracy Report 2020
A Lührmann, SF Maerz, S Grahn, N Alizada, L Gastaldi, S Hellmeier, ...
Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem). https://www. v-dem. net/media …, 2020
How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage process
VA Boese, AB Edgell, S Hellmeier, SF Maerz, SI Lindberg
Democratization, 1-23, 2021
State of the world 2019: autocratization surges–resistance grows
SF Maerz, A Lührmann, S Hellmeier, S Grahn, SI Lindberg
Democratization 27 (6), 909-927, 2020
Pandemic backsliding: Violations of democratic standards during Covid-19
AB Edgell, J Lachapelle, A Lührmann, SF Maerz
Social Science & Medicine, 114244, 2021
State of the world 2020: autocratization turns viral
S Hellmeier, R Cole, S Grahn, P Kolvani, J Lachapelle, A Lührmann, ...
Democratization, 1-22, 2021
The electronic face of authoritarianism: E-government as a tool for gaining legitimacy in competitive and non-competitive regimes
SF Maerz
Government Information Quarterly 33 (4), 727-735, 2016
Episodes of regime transformation
SF Maerz, AB Edgell, MC Wilson, S Hellmeier, SI Lindberg
Journal of Peace Research, 00223433231168192, 2023
The Many Faces of Authoritarian Persistence: A Set-Theory Perspective on the Survival Strategies of Authoritarian Regimes
SF Maerz
Government and Opposition 55 (1), 64-87, 2020
Pandemic Backsliding: Does Covid-19 Put Democracy at Risk?
A Lührmann, AB Edgell, SF Maerz
Policy Brief 23, V-Dem Institute, 2020
Episodes of Regime Transformation Dataset, v1. 0
A Edgell, SF Maerz, L Maxwell, R Morgan, J Medzihorsky, WC Wilson
Varieties of Democracy, 2020
Simulating pluralism: the language of democracy in hegemonic authoritarianism
SF Maerz
Political Research Exchange 1 (1), 1-23, 2019
Legitimation, cooptation, and repression and the survival of electoral autocracies
CQ Schneider, SF Maerz
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Comparative Governance …, 2017
Episodes of liberalization in autocracies: A new approach to quantitatively studying democratization
MC Wilson, J Medzihorsky, SF Maerz, P Lindenfors, AB Edgell, VA Boese, ...
Political Science Research and Methods, 1-20, 2022
Comparing public communication in democracies and autocracies: automated text analyses of speeches by heads of government
SF Maerz, CQ Schneider
Quality & Quantity 54 (2), 517-545, 2020
An Update on Pandemic Backsliding: Democracy Four Months After the Beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic
AB Edgell, S Grahn, J Lachapelle, A Lührmann, SF Maerz
Policy Brief 24, V-Dem Institute, 2020
Text as Data for Conflict Research: A Literature Survey
SF Maerz, C Puschmann
Computational Conflict Research, 43-65, 2020
Does the Coronavirus Endanger Democracy in Europe?
A Lürhmann, AB Edgell, S Grahin, J Lachapelle, SF Maerz
Carnegie Europe, 2020
Ma’naviyat in Uzbekistan: an ideological extrication from its Soviet past?
SF Maerz
Journal of Political Ideologies 23 (2), 205-222, 2018
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Articles 1–20