Olawole Abiola Kuti
Olawole Abiola Kuti
Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Verifierad e-postadress på mmu.ac.uk
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Experimental and analytical study on biodiesel and diesel spray characteristics under ultra-high injection pressure
X Wang, Z Huang, OA Kuti, W Zhang, K Nishida
International journal of heat and fluid flow 31 (4), 659-666, 2010
Effects of ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole nozzle on flame structure and soot formation of impinging diesel spray
X Wang, Z Huang, W Zhang, OA Kuti, K Nishida
Applied Energy 88 (5), 1620-1628, 2011
Characterization of spray and combustion processes of biodiesel fuel injected by diesel engine common rail system
OA Kuti, J Zhu, K Nishida, X Wang, Z Huang
Fuel 104, 838-846, 2013
An experimental investigation on spray, ignition and combustion characteristics of biodiesels
X Wang, Z Huang, OA Kuti, W Zhang, K Nishida
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 2071-2077, 2011
A fundamental investigation into the relationship between lubricant composition and fuel ignition quality
OA Kuti, SY Yang, N Hourani, N Naser, WL Roberts, SH Chung, ...
Fuel 160, 605-613, 2015
Performance of composite sawdust briquette fuel in a biomass stove under simulated condition
OA Kuti
AU JT 12 (4), 284-288, 2009
Effect of injection pressure on flame and soot characteristics of the biodiesel fuel spray
X Wang, OA Kuti, W Zhang, K Nishida, Z Huang
Combustion Science and Technology 182 (10), 1369-1390, 2010
Experimental studies on spray and gas entrainment characteristics of biodiesel fuel: implications of gas entrained and fuel oxygen content on soot formation
OA Kuti, K Nishida, J Zhu
Energy 57, 434-442, 2013
An investigation of the effects of fuel injection pressure, ambient gas density and nozzle hole diameter on surrounding gas flow of a single diesel spray by the laser-induced …
J Zhu, OA Kuti, K Nishida
International Journal of Engine Research 14 (6), 630-645, 2013
Spray combustion simulation study of waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel under direct injection diesel engine conditions
OA Kuti, SM Sarathy, K Nishida
Fuel 267, 117240, 2020
Comparative performance of composite sawdust briquette with kerosene fuel under domestic cooking conditions
OA Kuti, CO Adegoke
AU JT 12 (1), 57-61, 2008
Impact of charred palm kernel shell on the calorific value of composite sawdust briquette.
OA Kuti
Two-stage Lagrangian modeling of ignition processes in ignition quality tester and constant volume combustion chambers
A Alfazazi, OA Kuti, N Naser, SH Chung, SM Sarathy
Fuel 185, 589-598, 2016
Effects of injection pressure and ambient gas density on fuel-ambient gas mixing and combustion characteristics of di diesel spray
J Zhu, OA Kuti, K Nishida
SAE Technical Paper, 2011
Characteristics of the ignition and combustion of biodiesel fuel spray injected by a common-rail injection system for a direct-injection diesel engine
OA Kuti, WG Xiangang, W Zhang, K Nishida, ZH Huang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2010
Optimization of a low heat rejection engine run on oxy‑hydrogen gas with a biodiesel-diesel blend
J Paparao, S Bhopatrao, S Murugan, OA Kuti
Fuel Processing Technology 241, 107625, 2023
Quantitative analyses of fuel spray-ambient gas interaction by means of LIF-PIV technique
J Zhu, K Nishida, OA Kuti, S Moon
Atomization and Sprays 21 (6), 2011
Effect of injection pressure on ignition, flame development and soot formation processes of biodiesel fuel spray
OA Kuti, W Zhang, K Nishida, X Wang, Z Huang
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 3 (2), 1057-1070, 2010
PIV study on flow fields of spray and surrounding gas under non-evaporating and evaporating conditions
JY Zhu, K Nishida, OA Kuti
Proc ICLASS 2012, 1-8, 2012
An optical characterization of the effect of high-pressure hydrodynamic cavitation on diesel
RD Lockett, Z Fatmi, O Kuti, R Price
SAE Technical Papers 2016, 2016
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