José Javier Cuervo (ORCID 0000-0001-7943-7835)
José Javier Cuervo (ORCID 0000-0001-7943-7835)
Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
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Cited by
Cited by
The evolution of paternity and paternal care in birds
AP Møller, JJ Cuervo
Behavioral Ecology 11 (5), 472-485, 2000
Speciation and feather ornamentation in birds
AP Møller, JJ Cuervo
Evolution 52 (3), 859-869, 1998
Nest building is a sexually selected behaviour in the barn swallow
JJ Soler, JJ Cuervo, AP Møller, F de Lope
Animal Behaviour 56 (6), 1435-1442, 1998
The function of long tails in female barn swallows (Hirundo rustica): an experimental study
JJ Cuervo, F de Lope, AP Møller
Behavioral Ecology 7 (2), 132-136, 1996
Sexual selection and tail streamers in the barn swallow
AP Møller, A Barbosa, JJ Cuervo, F de Lope, S Merino, N Saino
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265 (1394), 409-414, 1998
Sexually selected egg coloration in spotless starlings
JJ Soler, C Navarro, T Pérez-Contreras, JM Avilés, JJ Cuervo
The American Naturalist 171 (2), 183-194, 2008
Concentration of trace elements in feathers of three Antarctic penguins: geographical and interspecific differences
S Jerez, M Motas, MJ Palacios, F Valera, JJ Cuervo, A Barbosa
Environmental Pollution 159 (10), 2412-2419, 2011
Extrapair paternity in relation to sexual ornamentation, arrival date, and condition in a migratory bird
AP Møller, J Brohede, JJ Cuervo, F De Lope, C Primmer
Behavioral Ecology 14 (5), 707-712, 2003
Experimental manipulation of tail ornament size affects the hematocrit of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
N Saino, JJ Cuervo, M Krivacek, F de Lope, AP Møller
Oecologia 110, 186-190, 1997
Horn asymmetry and fitness in gemsbok, Oryx g. gazella
AP Møller, JJ Cuervo, JJ Soler, C Zamora-Muñoz
Behavioral Ecology 7 (3), 247-253, 1996
An analysis of continent-wide patterns of sexual selection in a passerine bird
AP Møller, Y Chabi, JJ Cuervo, F de Lope, J Kilpimaa, M Kose, ...
Evolution 60 (4), 856-868, 2006
Components of phenotypic variation in avian ornamental and non-ornamental feathers
JJ Cuervo, AP Møller
Evolutionary Ecology 15, 53-72, 2001
Haematocrit correlates with tail ornament size in three populations of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
N Saino, JJ Cuervo, P Ninni, F De Lope, AP Møller
Functional Ecology 11 (5), 604-610, 1997
Phenotypic variation and fluctuating asymmetry in sexually dimorphic feather ornaments in relation to sex and mating system
JJ Cuervo, AP Møller
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 68 (4), 505-529, 1999
Hatching asynchrony, sibling hierarchies and brood reduction in the Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica
J Moreno, LM Carrascal, JJ Sanz, JA Amat, JJ Cuervo
Polar Biology 14, 21-30, 1994
Migratory connectivity and effects of winter temperatures on migratory behaviour of the European robin Erithacus rubecula: a continent‐wide analysis
R Ambrosini, JJ Cuervo, C du Feu, W Fiedler, F Musitelli, D Rubolini, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (3), 749–760, 2016
Nest-site selection and characteristics in a mixed-species colony of Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta and Black-winged Stilts Himantopus himantopus
JJ Cuervo
Bird Study 51 (1), 20-24, 2004
Sexual selection, germline mutation rate and sperm competition
AP Møller, JJ Cuervo
BMC Evolutionary Biology 3, 1-11, 2003
The effect of hatching date on parental care, chick growth, and chick mortality in the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica
J Viñuela, J Moreno, LM Carrascal, JJ Sanz, JA Amat, M Ferrer, J Belliure, ...
Journal of Zoology 240 (1), 51-58, 1996
Red tails are effective decoys for avian predators
B Fresnillo, J Belliure, JJ Cuervo
Evolutionary Ecology 29 (1), 123-135, 2015
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Articles 1–20