Christian Lindemann
Christian Lindemann
Norwegian Institute for Water Research | University of Bergen
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Characteristic sizes of life in the oceans, from bacteria to whales
KH Andersen, T Berge, RJ Gonçalves, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, ...
Annual review of marine science 8 (1), 217-241, 2016
Challenges in integrative approaches to modelling the marine ecosystems of the North Atlantic: Physics to fish and coasts to ocean
J Holt, J Icarus Allen, TR Anderson, R Brewin, M Butenschön, J Harle, ...
Progress in Oceanography 129, 285-313, 2014
A seasonal diary of phytoplankton in the North Atlantic
C Lindemann, M St. John
Front. Mar. Sci. 1 (37), 2014
Centennial decline in North Sea water clarity causes strong delay in phytoplankton bloom timing
AF Opdal, C Lindemann, DL Aksnes
Global Change Biology 25 (11), 3946-3953, 2019
High export via small particles before the onset of the N orth A tlantic spring bloom
SLC Giering, R Sanders, AP Martin, C Lindemann, KO Möller, CJ Daniels, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (9), 6929-6945, 2016
Effects of growth rate, cell size, motion, and elemental stoichiometry on nutrient transport kinetics
KJ Flynn, DOF Skibinski, C Lindemann
PLoS computational biology 14 (4), e1006118, 2018
Scaling laws in phytoplankton nutrient uptake affinity
C Lindemann, Ø Fiksen, KH Andersen, DL Aksnes
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 26, 2016
Size structures sensory hierarchy in ocean life
EA Martens, N Wadhwa, NS Jacobsen, C Lindemann, KH Andersen, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1815), 20151346, 2015
Utilização de sacolas plásticas em supermercados
AT Fabro, C Lindemann, SC Vieira
Revista Ciências do Ambiente On-Line 3 (1), 15-23, 2007
Dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in turbulent vortex cells
C Lindemann, A Visser, P Mariani
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (136), 20170453, 2017
Tracking freshwater browning and coastal water darkening from boreal forests to the Arctic Ocean
AF Opdal, T Andersen, DO Hessen, C Lindemann, DL Aksnes
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 8 (4), 611-619, 2023
Physiological constrains on Sverdrup's Critical-Depth-Hypothesis: the influences of dark respiration and sinking
C Lindemann, JO Backhaus, M St. John
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2015
Modeling the plankton–enhancing the integration of biological knowledge and mechanistic understanding
C Lindemann, DL Aksnes, KJ Flynn, S Menden-Deuer
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 358, 2017
The influence of winter convection on primary production: A parameterisation using a hydrostatic three-dimensional biogeochemical model
F Grosse, C Lindemann, J Pätch, JO Backhaus
Journal of Marine Systems, 2014
Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs
E Acevedo-Trejos, M Cadier, S Chakraborty, B Chen, SY Cheung, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 975414, 2022
Effects of migrating mesopelagic fishes on the biological carbon pump
DL Aksnes, AS Løtvedt, C Lindemann, ML Calleja, XAG Morán, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 717, 107-126, 2023
On the missing link in ecology: improving communication between modellers and experimentalists
J Heuschele, MT Ekvall, P Mariani, C Lindemann
Oikos 126 (8), 1071-1077, 2017
Spawning fish maintains trophic synchrony across time and space beyond thermal drivers
AF Opdal, PJ Wright, G Blom, H Höffle, C Lindemann, OS Kjesbu
Ecology, e4304, 2024
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial timescales
AF Opdal, C Lindemann, T Andersen, DO Hessen, Ø Fiksen, DL Aksnes
Global Change Biology 30 (5), e17308, 2024
The marine biodiversity observation network plankton workshops: plankton ecosystem function, biodiversity, and forecasting—research requirements and applications
M Grigoratou, E Montes, AJ Richardson, JD Everett, E Acevedo‐Trejos, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 31 (1), 22-26, 2022
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Articles 1–20