Alex Mogilner
Alex Mogilner
Professor of Mathmatics and Biology, New York University
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Cited by
Cell motility driven by actin polymerization
A Mogilner, G Oster
Biophysical journal 71 (6), 3030-3045, 1996
Actin and α-actinin orchestrate the assembly and maturation of nascent adhesions in a myosin II motor-independent manner
CK Choi, M Vicente-Manzanares, J Zareno, LA Whitmore, A Mogilner, ...
Nature cell biology 10 (9), 1039-1050, 2008
Mechanism of shape determination in motile cells
K Keren, Z Pincus, GM Allen, EL Barnhart, G Marriott, A Mogilner, ...
Nature 453 (7194), 475-480, 2008
A non-local model for a swarm
A Mogilner, L Edelstein-Keshet
Journal of mathematical biology 38, 534-570, 1999
Force generation by actin polymerization II: the elastic ratchet and tethered filaments
A Mogilner, G Oster
Biophysical journal 84 (3), 1591-1605, 2003
The physics of filopodial protrusion
A Mogilner, B Rubinstein
Biophysical journal 89 (2), 782-795, 2005
Cell division
JM Scholey, I Brust-Mascher, A Mogilner
Nature 422 (6933), 746-752, 2003
Mutual interactions, potentials, and individual distance in a social aggregation
A Mogilner, L Edelstein-Keshet, L Bent, A Spiros
Journal of mathematical biology 47, 353-389, 2003
Direct measurement of the lamellipodial protrusive force in a migrating cell
M Prass, K Jacobson, A Mogilner, M Radmacher
The Journal of cell biology 174 (6), 767-772, 2006
Regulation of actin dynamics in rapidly moving cells: a quantitative analysis
A Mogilner, L Edelstein-Keshet
Biophysical journal 83 (3), 1237-1258, 2002
The spatial arrangement of chromosomes during prometaphase facilitates spindle assembly
V Magidson, CB O'Connell, J Lončarek, R Paul, A Mogilner, A Khodjakov
Cell 146 (4), 555-567, 2011
An adhesion-dependent switch between mechanisms that determine motile cell shape
EL Barnhart, KC Lee, K Keren, A Mogilner, JA Theriot
PLoS biology 9 (5), e1001059, 2011
The shape of motile cells
A Mogilner, K Keren
Current Biology 19 (17), R762-R771, 2009
Efficient chromosome capture requires a bias in the ‘search-and-capture’process during mitotic-spindle assembly
R Wollman, EN Cytrynbaum, JT Jones, T Meyer, JM Scholey, A Mogilner
Current Biology 15 (9), 828-832, 2005
Mathematics of cell motility: have we got its number?
A Mogilner
Journal of mathematical biology 58, 105-134, 2009
Arginylation of β-actin regulates actin cytoskeleton and cell motility
M Karakozova, M Kozak, CCL Wong, AO Bailey, JR Yates III, A Mogilner, ...
Science 313 (5784), 192-196, 2006
Chemotactic signaling, microglia, and Alzheimer’s disease senile plaques: Is there a connection?
M Luca, A Chavez-Ross, L Edelstein-Keshet, A Mogilner
Bulletin of mathematical biology 65 (4), 693-730, 2003
Polymer motors: pushing out the front and pulling up the back
A Mogilner, G Oster
Current biology 13 (18), R721-R733, 2003
How nematode sperm crawl
D Bottino, A Mogilner, T Roberts, M Stewart, G Oster
Journal of cell science 115 (2), 367-384, 2002
Traveling waves in actin dynamics and cell motility
J Allard, A Mogilner
Current opinion in cell biology 25 (1), 107-115, 2013
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Articles 1–20