Willie Golden
Willie Golden
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Towards a definition of flexibility: in search of the Holy Grail?
W Golden, P Powell
Omega 28 (4), 373-384, 2000
Measuring eGovernment success: a public value approach
M Scott, W DeLone, W Golden
European Journal of Information Systems 25 (3), 187-208, 2016
Training the knowledge worker: a descriptive study of training practices in Irish software companies
T Acton, W Golden
Journal of European industrial training 27 (2/3/4), 137-146, 2003
How internet technologies impact information flows in R&D: Reconsidering the technological gatekeeper
E Whelan, R Teigland, B Donnellan, W Golden
R&d Management 40 (4), 400-413, 2010
Understanding net benefits: a citizen-based perspective on eGovernment success
M Scott, WH DeLone, W Golden
ICIS 2009 proceedings, 86, 2009
Training: The way to retain valuable IT employees
T Acton, W Golden
Conference Proceedings, Informing Science 10, 2434, 2002
DeLone & McLean success model as a descriptive tool in evaluating the use of a virtual learning environment
T Acton, R Halonen, K Conboy, W Golden
Digitising the R&D social network: revisiting the technological gatekeeper
E Whelan, W Golden, B Donnellan
Information Systems Journal 23 (3), 197-218, 2013
Implementation strategies for eGovernment: a stakeholder analysis approach
M Scott, DW Golden, M Hughes
IT quality and egovernment net benefits: a citizen perspective
M Scott, W DeLone, W Golden
Exploring inter‐organisational systems and flexibility in Ireland: a case of two value chains
W Golden, P Powell
International journal of agile management systems 1 (3), 169-176, 1999
The role of business process redesign in creating e‐government in Ireland
M Hughes, M Scott, W Golden
Business Process Management Journal 12 (1), 76-87, 2006
How technostress and self-control of social networking sites affect academic achievement and wellbeing
E Whelan, W Golden, M Tarafdar
Internet Research 32 (7), 280-306, 2022
Inter‐organisational ICT systems: the way to innovative practice for SMEs?
M Hughes, W Golden, P Powell
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 10 (3), 277-286, 2003
An assessment of biometric identities as a standard for e-government services
M Scott, T Acton, M Hughes
International Journal of Services and Standards 1 (3), 271-286, 2005
The role of process evolution in achieving citizen centered e-government
W Golden, M Hughes, M Scott
Inter-organisational information systems as enablers of organisational flexibility
W Golden, P Powell
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 16 (3), 299-325, 2004
Usability and acceptance in small-screen information systems
T Acton, W Golden, S Gudea, M Scott
Proceedings of 9th European Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and …, 2004
National innovation systems and entrepreneurship
W Golden, E Higgins, SH Lee
Centre for Innovation & Structural Change (CISC) Working Paper, 4, 2003
Implementing e-government in Ireland: A roadmap for success
W Golden, M Hughes, M Scott
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 1 (4), 17-33, 2003
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Articles 1–20