Camila Alviar
Camila Alviar
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
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Cited by
Multimodal coordination of sound and movement in music and speech
C Alviar, R Dale, A Dewitt, C Kello
Discourse Processes 57 (8), 682-702, 2020
Interacting timescales in perspective-taking
R Dale, A Galati, C Alviar, P Contreras Kallens, AG Ramirez-Aristizabal, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1278, 2018
Complex communication dynamics: Exploring the structure of an academic talk
C Alviar, R Dale, A Galati
Cognitive science 43 (3), e12718, 2019
Infant‐directed song potentiates infants’ selective attention to adults’ mouths over the first year of life
C Alviar, M Sahoo, LA Edwards, W Jones, A Klin, M Lense
Developmental Science 26 (5), e13359, 2023
Asymmetrical time and space interference in Tau and Kappa effects
F Reali, M Lleras, C Alviar
Cogent Psychology 6 (1), 1568069, 2019
Excessive and less complex body movement in children with autism during face‐to‐face conversation: An objective approach to behavioral quantification
Z Zhao, H Tang, C Alviar, CT Kello, X Zhang, X Hu, X Qu, J Lu
Autism Research 15 (2), 305-316, 2022
Multimodal coordination and pragmatic modes in conversation
C Alviar, CT Kello, R Dale
Language Sciences 97, 101524, 2023
The Fractal Structure of Extended Communicative Performance
C Alviar, R Dale, C Kello
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018
La Frontera Digital: Efectos Psicológicos de Internet en la Región de la Orinoquía.
J Corredor, G Pico, C Castro, M Hernández, C Arias, C Alviar, L Rojas, ...
Revista iberoamericana de psicología 6 (2), 55-68, 2013
The metaphors we speak with affect how we think about time and space
M Lleras, F Reali, C Alviar, MP Bermúdez
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
What scholarship on social timing and autism can learn from each other: A Comment on" The evolution of social timing" by Laura Verga, Sonja A. Kotz, and Andrea Ravignani
NR Fram, C Alviar, MD Lense
Physics of Life Reviews 48, 19-21, 2024
Quantifying tightness-Looseness of interactions with dynamical systems methods. A Comment on" Musical engagement as a duet of tight synchrony and loose interpretability" by TC …
C Alviar, N Fram, M Lense
Physics of Life Reviews 47, 209-210, 2023
Child Language and Autism Diagnosis Impact Hierarchical Temporal Structure of Parent-Child Vocal Interactions in Early Childhood
O Boorom, C Alviar, Y Zhang, VA Muñoz, CT Kello, M Lense
Autism Research 15 (11), 2099-2111, 2022
Visual Attention to the Face and Mouth during Infant-Directed Song and Speech across Development in Autism and Typical Development
C Alviar, M Sahoo, NR Fram, C Nicholson, A Klin, W Jones, LA Edwards, ...
INSAR 2023, 2023
Differing Predictive Strategies in Toddlers with and without Autism Underlie Rhythm of Social Engagement
NR Fram, C Alviar, Y Wang, S Chawla, LA Edwards, W Jones, M Lense
INSAR 2023, 2023
Feature Sensitivity during Infant-Directed Speech and Song and Its Relationship with Mouth-Looking and Language Outcomes during the First Year of Life in Autism and Typical …
M Sahoo, C Alviar, LA Edwards, W Jones, A Klin, M Lense
INSAR 2023, 2023
Multimodal Dynamics of Extended Communication
MC Alviar Guzman
UC Merced, 2021
Task constraints on interpersonal coordination: Effects of task goals on alignment in eye-movements and speech
A Galati, C Alviar, MI Coco, R Dale
OSF, 2020
La Frontera Digital: Efectos Psicológicos de Internet en la Región de la Orinoquía
JAC Aristizábal, G Pico, C Castro, M Hernández, C Arias, C Alviar, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología: Ciencia y Tecnología 6 (2), 55-68, 2013
Hierarchical Timescales and Nested Process Composition
C Kello, H Bhat, M Turner, C Alviar
OSF, 0
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Articles 1–20