Gerhard Riener
Gerhard Riener
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Pay-what-you-want, identity, and self-signaling in markets
A Gneezy, U Gneezy, G Riener, LD Nelson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), 7236-7240, 2012
Norms, moods, and free lunch: Longitudinal evidence on payments from a Pay-What-You-Want restaurant
G Riener, C Traxler
The Journal of Socio-Economics 41 (4), 476-483, 2012
Decomposing desert and tangibility effects in a charitable giving experiment
D Reinstein, G Riener
Experimental Economics, 1-12, 2011
On the norms of charitable giving in Islam: Two field experiments in Morocco
F Lambarraa, G Riener
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 118, 69-84, 2015
Reputation and influence in charitable giving: an experiment
D Reinstein, G Riener
Theory and decision 72, 221-243, 2012
Privacy is precious: On the attempt to lift anonymity on the internet to increase revenue
T Regner, G Riener
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 26 (2), 318-336, 2017
Sorting through affirmative action: Three field experiments in Colombia
M Ibañez, G Riener
Journal of Labor Economics 36 (2), 437-478, 2018
Explaining gender differences in competitiveness: Gender-task stereotypes
ND Große, G Riener
Jena Economic Research Papers, 2010
Team building and hidden costs of control
G Riener, S Wiederhold
DICE Discussion Paper, 2012
The effect of perceived regional accents on individual economic behavior: A lab experiment on linguistic performance, cognitive ratings and economic decisions
S Heblich, A Lameli, G Riener
PloS one 10 (2), e0113475, 2015
Concentration bias in intertemporal choice
M Dertwinkel-Kalt, H Gerhardt, G Riener, F Schwerter, L Strang
The Review of Economic Studies 89 (3), 1314-1334, 2022
Shying away from demanding tasks? Experimental evidence on gender differences in answering multiple-choice questions
G Riener, V Wagner
Economics of Education Review 59, 43-62, 2017
Tangible temptation in the social dilemma: Cash, cooperation, and self-control.
KOR Myrseth, G Riener, CE Wollbrant
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 8 (2), 61, 2015
The effect of ambiguity aversion on reward scheme choice
C Kellner, G Riener
Economics Letters 125 (1), 134-137, 2014
Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in India
D Banerjee, M Ibañez, G Riener, M Wollni
DICE Discussion Paper, 2015
Explaining gender differences in competitiveness: Testing a theory on gender-task stereotypes
N Grosse, G Riener, M Dertwinkel-Kalt
Available at SSRN 2551206, 2014
Heterogeneous treatment effects in groups
G Riener, S Wiederhold
Economics Letters 120 (3), 408-412, 2013
Intergroup conflict and the media: an experimental study of Greek students after the 2008 riots
D Hugh-Jones, A Katsanidou, G Riener
International Journal of Conflict and Violence 5 (2), 325-344, 2011
Lying, spying, sabotaging: Procedures and consequences
N Chlaß, G Riener
DICE Discussion Paper, 2015
Stochastic income and conditional generosity
C Kellner, D Reinstein, G Riener
Available at SSRN 2691027, 2015
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