Sina Radke
Sina Radke
lastly @ RWTH Aachen University
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Cited by
Testosterone biases the amygdala toward social threat approach
S Radke, I Volman, P Mehta, V van Son, D Enter, A Sanfey, I Toni, ...
Science Advances 1 (5), e1400074, 2015
Does oxytocin affect mind-reading? A replication study
S Radke, ERA de Bruijn
Psychoneuroendocrinology 60, 75-81, 2015
Acting on anger: social anxiety modulates approach-avoidance tendencies after oxytocin administration
S Radke, K Roelofs, ERA De Bruijn
Psychological science 24 (8), 1573-1578, 2013
In action or inaction? Social approach–avoidance tendencies in major depression
S Radke, F Güths, JA André, BW Müller, ERA de Bruijn
Psychiatry research 219 (3), 513-517, 2014
The other side of the coin: oxytocin decreases the adherence to fairness norms
S Radke, ERA De Bruijn
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 2012
Social VR: How Personal Space is Affected by Virtual Agents' Emotions
A Bönsch, S Radke, H Overath, LM Asché, J Wendt, T Vierjahn, U Habel, ...
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 199-206, 2018
Oxytocin reduces amygdala responses during threat approach
S Radke, I Volman, I Kokal, K Roelofs, ERA de Bruijn, I Toni
Psychoneuroendocrinology 79, 160-166, 2017
Attention control and its emotion-specific association with cognitive emotion regulation in depression
LAK Loeffler, TD Satterthwaite, U Habel, F Schneider, S Radke, B Derntl
Brain Imaging and Behavior 13 (6), 1766-1779, 2019
Mistakes that affect others: an fMRI study on processing of own errors in a social context
S Radke, FP De Lange, M Ullsperger, ERA De Bruijn
Experimental Brain Research 211 (3), 405-413, 2011
Intrinsic functional connectivity underlying successful emotion regulation of angry faces
C Morawetz, T Kellermann, L Kogler, S Radke, J Blechert, B Derntl
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (12), 1980-1991, 2016
The influence of menstrual cycle and androstadienone on female stress reactions: an fMRI study
KC Chung, F Peisen, L Kogler, S Radke, B Turetsky, J Freiherr, B Derntl
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 44, 2016
The association between vulnerable/grandiose narcissism and emotion regulation
LAK Loeffler, AK Huebben, S Radke, U Habel, B Derntl
Frontiers in psychology 11, 519330, 2020
There's something about a fair split: intentionality moderates context-based fairness considerations in social decision-making
S Radke, B Güroğlu, ERA de Bruijn
PloS One 7 (2), e31491, 2012
Affective responsiveness is influenced by intake of oral contraceptives
S Radke, B Derntl
European Neuropsychopharmacology 26 (6), 1014-1019, 2016
Blunted insula activation reflects increased risk and reward seeking as an interaction of testosterone administration and the MAOA polymorphism
L Wagels, M Votinov, S Radke, B Clemens, C Montag, S Jung, U Habel
Human brain mapping 38 (9), 4574-4593, 2017
The regulation of positive and negative emotions through instructed causal attributions in lifetime depression–A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
LAK Loeffler, S Radke, U Habel, R Ciric, TD Satterthwaite, F Schneider, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 1233-1245, 2018
Genetic and Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) and the (Clinical) implications for social behavior
S Tops, U Habel, S Radke
Hormones and behavior 108, 84-93, 2019
Exogenous testosterone decreases men's personal distance in a social threat context
L Wagels, S Radke, KS Goerlich, U Habel, M Votinov
Hormones and Behavior 90, 75-83, 2017
Do different fairness contexts and facial emotions motivate ‘irrational’social decision-making in major depression? An exploratory patient study
S Radke, IC Schäfer, BW Müller, ERA de Bruijn
Psychiatry research 210 (2), 438-443, 2013
Do different fairness contexts and facial emotions motivate ‘irrational’social decision-making in major depression? An exploratory patient study
S Radke, IC Schäfer, BW Müller, ERA de Bruijn
Psychiatry research 210 (2), 438-443, 2013
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Articles 1–20