André Sawakuchi
André Sawakuchi
Instituto de Geociências - Universidade de São Paulo
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Cited by
New archaeological evidence for an early human presence at Monte Verde, Chile
TD Dillehay, C Ocampo, J Saavedra, AO Sawakuchi, RM Vega, M Pino, ...
PloS one 10 (11), e0141923, 2015
Microplastics in sediments from Amazon rivers, Brazil
CR Gerolin, FN Pupim, AO Sawakuchi, CH Grohmann, G Labuto, ...
Science of the Total Environment 749, 141604, 2020
Methane emissions from Amazonian Rivers and their contribution to the global methane budget
HO Sawakuchi, D Bastviken, AO Sawakuchi, AV Krusche, MVR Ballester, ...
Global Change Biology 20 (9), 2829-2840, 2014
Thermal history versus sedimentary history: OSL sensitivity of quartz grains extracted from rocks and sediments
AO Sawakuchi, MW Blair, R Dewitt, FM Faleiros, T Hyppolito, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 6 (2), 261-272, 2011
Synchronous and proportional deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation
S Mulitza, CM Chiessi, E Schefuß, J Lippold, D Wichmann, B Antz, ...
Paleoceanography 32 (6), 622-633, 2017
Eolian depositional episodes controlled by Late Quaternary relative sea level changes on the Imbituba–Laguna coast (southern Brazil)
PCF Giannini, AO Sawakuchi, CT Martinho, SH Tatumi
Marine Geology 237 (3-4), 143-168, 2007
The complex prograded Cassino barrier in southern Brazil: Geological and morphological evolution and records of climatic, oceanographic and sea-level changes in the last 7–6 ka
SR Dillenburg, EG Barboza, MLCC Rosa, F Caron, AO Sawakuchi
Marine Geology 390, 106-119, 2017
Chronology of Terra Firme formation in Amazonian lowlands reveals a dynamic Quaternary landscape
FN Pupim, AO Sawakuchi, RP Almeida, CC Ribas, AK Kern, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 210, 154-163, 2019
Oxidative mitigation of aquatic methane emissions in large Amazonian rivers
HO Sawakuchi, D Bastviken, AO Sawakuchi, ND Ward, CD Borges, ...
Global change biology 22 (3), 1075-1085, 2016
Terrigenous input off northern South America driven by changes in Amazonian climate and the North Brazil Current retroflection during the last 250 ka
A Govin, CM Chiessi, M Zabel, AO Sawakuchi, D Heslop, T Hörner, ...
Climate of the Past 10 (2), 843-862, 2014
Quaternary climate changes as speciation drivers in the Amazon floodplains
G Thom, AT Xue, AO Sawakuchi, CC Ribas, MJ Hickerson, A Aleixo, ...
Science Advances 6 (11), eaax4718, 2020
Luminescence as a sediment tracer and provenance tool
HJ Gray, M Jain, AO Sawakuchi, SA Mahan, GE Tucker
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (3), 987-1017, 2019
The development of blowouts and foredunes in the Ilha Comprida barrier (Southeastern Brazil): the influence of Late Holocene climate changes on coastal sedimentation
AO Sawakuchi, R Kalchgruber, PCF Giannini, DR Nascimento Jr, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (21-22), 2076-2090, 2008
Mid-Late Pleistocene OSL chronology in western Amazonia and implications for the transcontinental Amazon pathway
DF Rossetti, MCL Cohen, SH Tatumi, AO Sawakuchi, ÉH Cremon, ...
Sedimentary Geology 330, 1-15, 2015
Luminescence of quartz and feldspar fingerprints provenance and correlates with the source area denudation in the Amazon River basin
AO Sawakuchi, M Jain, TD Mineli, L Nogueira, DJ Bertassoli Jr, C Häggi, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 492, 152-162, 2018
Determination of controls on Holocene barrier progradation through application of OSL dating: The Ilha Comprida Barrier example, Southeastern Brazil
CCF Guedes, PCF Giannini, AO Sawakuchi, R DeWitt, DR Nascimento Jr, ...
Marine Geology 285 (1-4), 1-16, 2011
Different precipitation patterns across tropical South America during Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger stadials
Y Zhang, CM Chiessi, S Mulitza, AO Sawakuchi, C Häggi, M Zabel, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 177, 1-9, 2017
Dunas e paleodunas eólicas costeiras e interiores
PCF Giannini, ML Assine, LM Barbosa, AMF Barreto, AM Carvalho, ...
Quaternário do Brasil, 2005
The role of tectonics and climate in the late Quaternary evolution of a northern Amazonian River
ÉH Cremon, D de Fátima Rossetti, A de Oliveira Sawakuchi, MCL Cohen
Geomorphology 271, 22-39, 2016
The Volta Grande do Xingu: reconstruction of past environments and forecasting of future scenarios of a unique Amazonian fluvial landscape
AO Sawakuchi, GA Hartmann, HO Sawakuchi, FN Pupim, DJ Bertassoli, ...
Scientific Drilling 20 (20), 21-32, 2015
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Articles 1–20