Raymond Wightman
Raymond Wightman
Microscopy Core Facility, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge
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Subcellular and supracellular mechanical stress prescribes cytoskeleton behavior in Arabidopsis cotyledon pavement cells
A Sampathkumar, P Krupinski, R Wightman, P Milani, A Berquand, ...
elife 3, e01967, 2014
The control of growth symmetry breaking in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl
A Peaucelle, R Wightman, H Höfte
Current Biology 25 (13), 1746-1752, 2015
Pectin homogalacturonan nanofilament expansion drives morphogenesis in plant epidermal cells
KT Haas, R Wightman, EM Meyerowitz, A Peaucelle
Science 367 (6481), 1003-1007, 2020
Arabidopsis–a powerful model system for plant cell wall research
AH Liepman, R Wightman, N Geshi, SR Turner, HV Scheller
The Plant Journal 61 (6), 1107-1121, 2010
Cell size and growth regulation in the Arabidopsis thaliana apical stem cell niche
L Willis, Y Refahi, R Wightman, B Landrein, J Teles, KC Huang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (51), E8238-E8246, 2016
The roles of the cytoskeleton during cellulose deposition at the secondary cell wall
R Wightman, SR Turner
The Plant Journal 54 (5), 794-805, 2008
Arabidopsis genes IRREGULAR XYLEM (IRX15) and IRX15L encode DUF579‐containing proteins that are essential for normal xylan deposition in the secondary …
D Brown, R Wightman, Z Zhang, LD Gomez, I Atanassov, JP Bukowski, ...
The Plant Journal 66 (3), 401-413, 2011
Severing at sites of microtubule crossover contributes to microtubule alignment in cortical arrays
R Wightman, SR Turner
The Plant Journal 52 (4), 742-751, 2007
Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis
W Yang, S Cortijo, N Korsbo, P Roszak, K Schiessl, A Gurzadyan, ...
Science 371 (6536), 1350-1355, 2021
SPIRAL2 determines plant microtubule organization by modulating microtubule severing
R Wightman, G Chomicki, M Kumar, P Carr, SR Turner
Current Biology 23 (19), 1902-1907, 2013
In Candida albicans, the Nim1 kinases Gin4 and Hsl1 negatively regulate pseudohypha formation and Gin4 also controls septin organization
R Wightman, S Bates, P Amornrrattanapan, P Sudbery
The Journal of cell biology 164 (4), 581-591, 2004
The THI5 gene family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: distribution of homologues among the hemiascomycetes and functional redundancy in the aerobic …
R Wightman, PA Meacock
Microbiology 149 (6), 1447-1460, 2003
Regulation of meristem morphogenesis by cell wall synthases in Arabidopsis
W Yang, C Schuster, CT Beahan, V Charoensawan, A Peaucelle, A Bacic, ...
Current Biology 26 (11), 1404-1415, 2016
Trafficking of the plant cellulose synthase complex
R Wightman, S Turner
Plant Physiology 153 (2), 427-432, 2010
S-Acylation of the cellulose synthase complex is essential for its plasma membrane localization
M Kumar, R Wightman, I Atanassov, A Gupta, CH Hurst, PA Hemsley, ...
Science 353 (6295), 166-169, 2016
The role of pectin phase separation in plant cell wall assembly and growth
KT Haas, R Wightman, A Peaucelle, H Höfte
The Cell Surface 7, 100054, 2021
Structural imaging of native cryo-preserved secondary cell walls reveals the presence of macrofibrils and their formation requires normal cellulose, lignin and xylan biosynthesis
JJ Lyczakowski, M Bourdon, OM Terrett, Y Helariutta, R Wightman, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1398, 2019
Cell cycle control by nuclear sequestration of CDC20 and CDH1 mRNA in plant stem cells
W Yang, R Wightman, EM Meyerowitz
Molecular Cell 68 (6), 1108-1119. e3, 2017
A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth control
Y Refahi, A Zardilis, G Michelin, R Wightman, B Leggio, J Legrand, ...
Developmental Cell 56 (4), 540-556. e8, 2021
pH-sensitivity of YFP provides an intracellular indicator of programmed cell death
B Young, R Wightman, R Blanvillain, SB Purcel, P Gallois
Plant Methods 6, 1-9, 2010
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