Asko Ellman
Asko Ellman
Professor of Machine Design and Product Development
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Modified orifice flow formula for numerical simulation of fluid power systems
A Ellman, R Piché
Fluid Power Systems and Technology FPST. Collected papers ASME 1996. 3, 59-63, 1996
Fluid transmission line modeling using a variational method
J Makinen, R Piché, A Ellman
ASME Transactions, Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurements and Control 122 …, 2000
Sliding mode control of a pneumatic muscle actuator system with a PWM strategy
VT Jouppila, SA Gadsden, GM Bone, AU Ellman, SR Habibi
International journal of fluid power 15 (1), 19-31, 2014
Experimental study with thermal and economical analysis for some modifications on cylindrical sector and double slope, single basin solar still
MS El-Sebaey, A Ellman, A Hegazy, FA Essa
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 49, 103310, 2023
Experimental analysis and CFD modeling for conventional basin-type solar still
M S. El-Sebaey, A Ellman, A Hegazy, T Ghonim
Energies 13 (21), 5734, 2020
Modeling and identification of a pneumatic muscle actuator system controlled by on/off solenoid valve
V Jouppila, A Gadsden, A Ellman
Proceedings of the 7th International Fluid Power Conference IFK, Aachen …, 2010
Leakage behaviour of four-way servovalve
A Ellman
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 15939, 163-167, 1998
A conceptual design and modeling framework for integrated additive manufacturing
H Mokhtarian, E Coatanéa, H Paris, MM Mbow, F Pourroy, PR Marin, ...
Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (8), 081101, 2018
Virtual prototypes reveal more development ideas: comparison between customers' evaluation of virtual and physical prototypes
T Tiainen, A Ellman, T Kaapu
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 9 (3), 169-180, 2014
Experimental study and mathematical model development for the effect of water depth on water production of a modified basin solar still
MS El-Sebaey, A Ellman, A Hegazy, H Panchal
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 33, 101925, 2022
Numerical integration of fluid power circuit models using two-stage semi-implicit runge-kutta methods
R Piché, A Ellman
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 1994
Experimental validation of different models for effective bulk modulus of hydraulic fluid
J Kajaste, H Kauranne, A Ellman, M Pietola
The 9th Scandinavian Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP´ 05, June 1-3, 2005 …, 2005
Comparison of different fluid models
T Nykänen, S Esqué, A Ellman
Bath Workshop on Power Transmission and Motion Control (PTMC 2000), Bath …, 2000
A Ellman, J Hautanen, K Järvinen, A Simpura
Edita, 2002
Cavitation behaviour of hydraulic orifices and valves
TS Koivula, AU Ellman
SAE transactions, 387-394, 1998
Experimental comparisons of sliding mode controlled pneumatic muscle and cylinder actuators
V Jouppila, S Andrew Gadsden, A Ellman
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (4), 044503, 2014
Thermal performance evaluation for two designs of flat-plate solar air heater: An experimental and CFD investigations
MS El-Sebaey, A Ellman, SS El-Din, FA Essa
Processes 11 (4), 1227, 2023
A Network based modelling approach using the dimensional analysis conceptual modeling (DACM) framework for additive manufaturing technologies
KI H Mokhtarian, E Coatanéa, H Paris, T Ritola, A Ellman, J Vihinen, K Koskinen
ASME 2016 Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDECT/CIE 2016, 2016
Experimental and CFD study on single slope double basin solar still
M El-Sebaey, A Hegazy, A Ellman, T Ghonim
ERJ. Engineering Research Journal 44 (1), 21-32, 2021
A fluid transmission line model for use with ode simulators
R Piché, A Ellman
Design & Performance by C. Burrows and K. Edge, (8th Bath International …, 1995
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Articles 1–20