Jan Alexis Nielsen
Jan Alexis Nielsen
Head of Department, Professor, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
The role of socioscientific issues in biology teaching: From the perspective of teachers
S Tidemand, JA Nielsen
International Journal of Science Education 39 (1), 44-61, 2017
Dialectical features of students’ argumentation: A critical review of argumentation studies in science education
JA Nielsen
Research in Science Education 43, 371-393, 2013
Science in discussions: An analysis of the use of science content in socioscientific discussions
JA Nielsen
Science Education 96 (3), 428-456, 2012
Arguing from Nature: The role of ‘nature’in students’ argumentations on a socio-scientific issue
JA Nielsen
International Journal of Science Education 34 (5), 723-744, 2012
Co-opting Science: A preliminary study of how students invoke science in value-laden discussions
JA Nielsen
International Journal of Science Education 34 (2), 275-299, 2012
Learning about the role and function of science in public debate as an essential component of scientific literacy
I Eilks, JA Nielsen, A Hofstein
Topics and trends in current science education: 9th ESERA conference …, 2013
Learning outcomes of university chemistry teaching in laboratories: A systematic review of empirical literature
HY Agustian, LT Finne, JT Jørgensen, MI Pedersen, FV Christiansen, ...
Review of Education 10 (2), e3360, 2022
Delusions about evidence: On why scientific evidence should not be the main concern in socioscientific decision making
JA Nielsen
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 13, 373-385, 2013
Assessment of innovation competency: A thematic analysis of upper secondary school teachers’ talk
JA Nielsen
The Journal of Educational Research 108 (4), 318-330, 2015
A competence-oriented approach to models and modelling in lower secondary science education: practices and rationales among Danish teachers
SS Nielsen, JA Nielsen
Research in Science Education 51 (Suppl 2), 565-593, 2021
Preparing pre-service science teachers to teach socio-scientific (SSI) argumentation
M Evagorou, V Albe, P Angelides, D Couso, G Chirlesan, RH Evans, ...
Science Teacher Education 69 (39-48), 2014
Evaluering af naturfaglige kompetencer
J Dolin, JA Nielsen, S Tidemand
Acta Didactica Norge 11 (3), 2-sider, 2017
Cross-curricular goals and raising the relevance of science education
N Belova, J Dittmar, L Hansson, A Hofstein, JA Nielsen, J Sjöström, I Eilks
Cognitive and affective aspects in science education research: Selected …, 2017
The concept of competence and its relevance for science, technology and mathematics education
M Ropohl, JA Nielsen, C Olley, S Rönnebeck, K Stables
Transforming assessment: Through an interplay between practice, research and …, 2018
Litteraturstudium til arbejdet med en national naturvidenskabsstrategi
JA Nielsen
institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, 2017
Science teacher education for responsible citizenship
M Evagorou, JA Nielsen, J Dillon
Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education. Springer International …, 2020
Teachers and socioscientific issues–An overview of recent empirical research
JA Nielsen
Science teacher education for responsible citizenship: Towards a pedagogy …, 2020
Plan of Hope and Glory: An Example of Development Planning in Denmark After Maastricht
I Jørgensen, F Kjærsdam, J Nielsen
Making Strategic Spatial Plans: Innovation in Europe, 1997
Evaluering mellem mestring og præstation
JA Nielsen, J Dolin
MONA-Matematik-og Naturfagsdidaktik, 2016
Structuring students´ critical discussions through processes of decision-making on socio-scientific controversies
JA Nielsen
Revista de Estudos Universitários-REU 35 (2), 2009
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Articles 1–20