Katelyn Wiley
Cited by
Cited by
Does talking on a cell phone, with a passenger, or dialing affect driving performance? An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies
JK Caird, SM Simmons, K Wiley, KA Johnston, WJ Horrey
Human factors 60 (1), 101-133, 2018
" Let's Get Physiological, Physiological!" A Systematic Review of Affective Gaming
R Robinson, K Wiley, A Rezaeivahdati, M Klarkowski, RL Mandryk
Proceedings of the annual symposium on computer-human interaction in play …, 2020
How points and theme affect performance and experience in a gamified cognitive task
K Wiley, S Vedress, RL Mandryk
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Anticipated needs and worries about maintaining independence of rural/remote older adults: Opportunities for technology development in the context of the double digital divide.
ME O'Connell, A Scerbe, K Wiley, B Gould, J Carter, C Bourassa, ...
Gerontechnology 17 (3), 2018
The making and evaluation of digital games used for the assessment of attention: systematic review
K Wiley, R Robinson, RL Mandryk
JMIR Serious Games 9 (3), e26449, 2021
In-game and out-of-game social anxiety influences player motivations, activities, and experiences in MMORPGs
M Dechant, S Poeller, C Johanson, K Wiley, RL Mandryk
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
The evaluation of an ambulance rear compartment using patient simulation: issues of safety and efficiency during the delivery of patient care
G Hallihan, JK Caird, I Blanchard, K Wiley, J Martel, M Wilkins, ...
Applied Ergonomics 81, 102872, 2019
Remote assessment of depression using digital biomarkers from cognitive tasks
RL Mandryk, MV Birk, S Vedress, K Wiley, E Reid, P Berger, J Frommel
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 767507, 2021
A health system’s preparedness for the “next Ebola”
JH Baers, K Wiley, JM Davies, JK Caird, G Hallihan, J Conly
Ergonomics in Design 26 (1), 24-28, 2018
Human factors evaluation of simulated Ebola virus disease patient scenarios: system factors associated with donning and doffing during triage, treatment and transport
G Hallihan, J Baers, K Wiley, J Davies, J Kaufman, J Conly
Albertahealthservices. ca: Alberta Health Services, University of Calgary …, 2015
Potential health care worker contamination from Ebola virus disease during personal protective equipment removal and disposal
G Hallihan, J Davies, J Baers, K Wiley, J Kaufman, J Conly, JK Caird
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 59 (1 …, 2015
Tackling the application gap: architecture students' experiences of a research component in a design studio class
K Wiley
University of Calgary, 2017
Human factors evaluation to identify systems factors to improve safety during donning and doffing personal protective equipment (PPE) in Ebola virus disease management scenarios
G Hallihan, J Baers, K Wiley, J Davies, J Kaufman, J Conly, J Caird
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2 (suppl_1), 1398, 2015
Shoulder-to-Shoulder: How Pinball Supports Men's Wellbeing
D Johnson, K Wiley, C Passmore, EM Horton, R Altizer, RL Mandryk
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CHI PLAY), 1-25, 2022
Getting ahead of harm before it happens: A guide about proactive analysis for improving surgical care safety
K Wiley, JM Davies
Measuring the Reliability of a Gamified Stroop Task: Quantitative Experiment
K Wiley, P Berger, MA Friehs, RL Mandryk
JMIR Serious Games 12 (1), e50315, 2024
Improving the Data Quality of Attention-Based Cognitive Tasks Through the Use of Games
KHCM Wiley
Human Factors Evaluation to Identify Systems Factors to Improve Safety during Donning and Doffing Personal Protective (PPE) Equipment in Ebola Virus Disease Patient Management …
GM Hallihan, JH Baers, K Wiley, JM Davies, J Kaufman, J Conly, JK Caird
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Articles 1–18