Magnus Nilsson
Magnus Nilsson
Associate professor, Dept of Business Administration, Lund University
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Innovation in peripheral regions: Do collaborations compensate for a lack of local knowledge spillovers?
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
The Annals of Regional Science 54, 299-321, 2015
The spatiality of trust: Factors influencing the creation of trust and the role of face-to-face contacts
M Nilsson, J Mattes
European Management Journal 33 (4), 230-244, 2015
Combined innovation policy: Linking scientific and practical knowledge in innovation systems
A Isaksen, M Nilsson
European Planning Studies 21 (12), 1919-1936, 2013
Firm performance in the periphery: On the relation between firm-internal knowledge and local knowledge spillovers
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
Regional Studies 51 (8), 1219-1231, 2017
Proximity and the trust formation process
M Nilsson
European Planning Studies 27 (5), 841-861, 2019
Agency and economic change in regions: identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysis
M Grillitsch, M Sotarauta, B Asheim, RD Fitjar, S Haus-Reve, ...
Regional Studies 57 (8), 1453-1468, 2023
The role of innovation intermediaries in innovation systems
M Nilsson, C Sia-Ljungström
Innovation and regional transformation: from clusters to new combinations
M Henning, J Moodysson, M Nilsson
Region Skåne, 2010
Regional opportunity spaces–observations from Nordic regions
H Kurikka, J Kolehmainen, M Sotarauta, H Nielsen, M Nilsson
Regional Studies 57 (8), 1440-1452, 2023
Regional innovation policy and coordination: Illustrations from Southern Sweden
M Nilsson, J Moodysson
Science and Public Policy 42 (2), 147-161, 2015
Skånska kluster och profilområden-en kritisk granskning
M Lagnevik, LO Olander
Region Skåne, 2002
A tale of two clusters: Sharing resources to compete
M Nilsson
Lund Studies in Economics and Management, 2008
Knowledge externalities and firm heterogeneity: Effects on high and low growth firms
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
Papers in Regional Science 98 (1), 93-114, 2019
Innovation och regional omvandling: Från skånska kluster till nya kombinationer
M Henning, J Moodysson, M Nilsson
Region Skåne, 2010
Policy coordination in systems of innovation: A structural-functional analysis of regional industry support in Sweden
M Nilsson, J Moodysson
Lund: Lund University, CIRCLE, 2011
Innovation and regional transformation
M Henning, J Moodysson, M Nilsson
From clusters to new combinations. Elanders, Malmö, 2010
The role of initial and gradual trust in growing and unlocking regional industrial specialisations
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
Industry and Innovation 29 (7), 825-846, 2022
Contextualizing clusters in time and space: long-term dynamics, systems of regions, and extra-regional interdependencies
J Moodysson, M Nilsson, M Svennsson Henning
DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference on Dynamics of Industry and …, 2005
The spatiality of trust: Antecedents of trust and the role of face-to-face contacts
M Nilsson, J Mattes
Institute for Social Sciences, CETRO, University of Oldenburg, Germany and …, 2013
Clusters in time and space: Understanding the growth and transformation of life science in Scania
J Moodysson, L Coenen, B Asheim
CIRCLE Electronic Working Papers 2008, 4, 2009
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