Alexander Rasin
Alexander Rasin
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Cited by
The design of the borealis stream processing engine.
DJ Abadi, Y Ahmad, M Balazinska, U Cetintemel, M Cherniack, JH Hwang, ...
Cidr 5 (2005), 277-289, 2005
C-store: a column-oriented DBMS
M Stonebraker, DJ Abadi, A Batkin, X Chen, M Cherniack, M Ferreira, ...
Making Databases Work: the Pragmatic Wisdom of Michael Stonebraker, 491-518, 2018
A comparison of approaches to large-scale data analysis
A Pavlo, E Paulson, A Rasin, DJ Abadi, DJ DeWitt, S Madden, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2009
Aurora: a data stream management system
D Abadi, D Carney, U Cetintemel, M Cherniack, C Convey, C Erwin, ...
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2003
HadoopDB: an architectural hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS technologies for analytical workloads
A Abouzeid, K Bajda-Pawlikowski, D Abadi, A Silberschatz, A Rasin
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (1), 922-933, 2009
H-store: a high-performance, distributed main memory transaction processing system
R Kallman, H Kimura, J Natkins, A Pavlo, A Rasin, S Zdonik, EPC Jones, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1 (2), 1496-1499, 2008
MapReduce and parallel DBMSs: friends or foes?
M Stonebraker, D Abadi, DJ DeWitt, S Madden, E Paulson, A Pavlo, ...
Communications of the ACM 53 (1), 64-71, 2010
High-availability algorithms for distributed stream processing
JH Hwang, M Balazinska, A Rasin, U Cetintemel, M Stonebraker, ...
21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'05), 779-790, 2005
Operator scheduling in a data stream manager
D Carney, U Çetintemel, A Rasin, S Zdonik, M Cherniack, M Stonebraker
Proceedings 2003 VLDB Conference, 838-849, 2003
Distributed operation in the borealis stream processing engine
Y Ahmad, B Berg, U Cetintemel, M Humphrey, JH Hwang, A Jhingran, ...
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Coradd: Correlation aware database designer for materialized views and indexes
H Kimura, G Huo, A Rasin, SR Madden, SB Zdonik
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2010
Database forensic analysis through internal structure carving
J Wagner, A Rasin, J Grier
Digital Investigation 14, S106-S115, 2015
Correlation maps: A compressed access method for exploiting soft functional dependencies
H Kimura, G Huo, A Rasin, S Madden, SB Zdonik
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (1), 1222-1233, 2009
Using real-time social media technologies to monitor levels of perceived stress and emotional state in college students: a web-based questionnaire study
S Liu, M Zhu, DJ Yu, A Rasin, SD Young
JMIR mental health 4 (1), e5626, 2017
The aurora and borealis stream processing engines
U Çetintemel, D Abadi, Y Ahmad, H Balakrishnan, M Balazinska, ...
Data stream management: processing high-speed data streams, 337-359, 2016
June 2005. Distributed operation in the Borealis Stream Processing Engine. Demonstration
Y Ahmad, B Berg, U Çetintemel, M Humphrey, J Hwang, A Jhingran, ...
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'05), 0
Automatic vertical-database design
S Lawande, A Rasin, O Trajman, SB Zdonik
US Patent 10,007,686, 2018
Carving database storage to detect and trace security breaches
J Wagner, A Rasin, B Glavic, K Heart, J Furst, L Bressan, J Grier
Digital Investigation 22, S127-S136, 2017
Tiqi: answering unstructured natural language trace queries
P Pruski, S Lohar, W Goss, A Rasin, J Cleland-Huang
Requirements Engineering 20, 215-232, 2015
A comparison of stream-oriented high-availability algorithms
JH Hwang, M Balazinska, A Rasin, U Cetintemel, M Stonebraker, ...
Technical Report TR-03-17, Computer Science Department, Brown University, 2003
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Articles 1–20