Sean Craig
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Cited by
The ‘paradox’of polyembryony: a review of the cases and a hypothesis for its evolution
SF Craig, LB Slobodkin, GA Wray, CH Biermann
Evolutionary Ecology 11, 127-143, 1997
Positive flow dependence in the initial colonization of a fouling community: results from in situ water current manipulations
ML Judge, SF Craig
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 210 (2), 209-222, 1997
Kin or self‐recognition? Colonial fusibility of the bryozoan Celleporella hyalina
RN Hughes, PH Manríquez, S Morley, SF Craig, JDD Bishop
Evolution & Development 6 (6), 431-437, 2004
Role of the sea anemone Metridium senile in structuring a developing subtidal fouling community
ML Nelson, SF Craig
Marine Ecology Progress Series 421, 139-149, 2011
Paleozoic origins of cheilostome bryozoans and their parental care inferred by a new genome-skimmed phylogeny
RJS Orr, E Di Martino, MH Ramsfjell, DP Gordon, B Berning, I Chowdhury, ...
Science Advances 8 (13), eabm7452, 2022
Paradoxical polyembryony? Embryonic cloning in an ancient order of marine bryozoans
RN Hughes, ME D'Amato, JDD Bishop, GR Carvalho, SF Craig, ...
Biology Letters 1 (2), 178-180, 2005
Changing spots: pseudocryptic speciation in the North Pacific dorid nudibranch Diaulula sandiegensis (Cooper, 1863)(Gastropoda: Heterobranchia)
T Lindsay, J Kelly, A Chichvarkhin, S Craig, H Kajihara, J Mackie, ...
Journal of molluscan Studies 82 (4), 564-574, 2016
The'paradox'of polyembryony
SF Craig, LB Slobodkin, G Wray
Trends in ecology & evolution 10 (9), 371-372, 1995
Prevention of early‐onset G roup BS treptococcal disease–the N orthern I reland experience
KA Eastwood, S Craig, H Sidhu, M Boyle, C Gannon, G Ong, M Lupari, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 122 (3), 361-367, 2015
Microscale genetic differentiation in a sessile invertebrate with cloned larvae: investigating the role of polyembryony
AJ Pemberton, LJ Hansson, SF Craig, RN Hughes, JDD Bishop
Marine Biology 153, 71-82, 2007
Marine bryozoans of the northeast coast of the United States: new and problem species
Proceedings of the 11th International Bryozoology Association Conference …, 2000
Intraspecific fusion in the encrusting bryozoan Fenestrulina sp.
SF Craig
International Symposium Series, 1994
Rapid and reliable inference of mitochondrial phylogroups among Watersipora species, an invasive group of ship-fouling species (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata)
ÁJ Láruson, SF Craig, KJ Messer, JA Mackie
Conservation Genetics Resources 4, 617-619, 2012
Succession in a Humboldt Bay marine fouling community: the role of exotic species, larval settlement and winter storms
M Boyle, D Janiak, S Craig
Proceedings of the 2004 Humboldt Bay Symposium, 215-234, 2006
High-throughput Illumina sequencing and microsatellite design in Watersipora (Bryozoa), a complex of invasive species
JA Mackie, D Wostenberg, M Doan, SF Craig, JA Darling
Conservation genetics resources 6, 1053-1055, 2014
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in the bryozoan Crisia denticulata
SF Craig, ME D’Amato, M Harley, J Bishop, R Hughes, GR Carvalho
Molecular Ecology Notes 1 (4), 281-282, 2001
Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia; Volume 2: Protostomes.
SF Craig, DA Thoney, N Schlager
Gale, 2004
The role of the chiton Mopalia ciliata in the creation and maintenance of free space within marine fouling communities
SL Meece, SF Craig, D Janiak
Integrative and Comparative Biology 46, E230-E230, 2006
A review of contact dependent interactions among bryozoans
SE Stephens-Norton, SF Craig
Bryozoan Studies 2022, 129-136, 2023
Diversity and distribution of intertidal Microporella (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) from California
IA Chowdhury, E Di Martino, H Lee, CC Windecker, S Craig
European journal of taxonomy 932, 34–68-34–68, 2024
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Articles 1–20