Ryan D. Lewis
Cited by
Cited by
Disaster on the horizon: The price effect of sea level rise
A Bernstein, MT Gustafson, R Lewis
Journal of financial economics 134 (2), 253-272, 2019
Sea-level rise exposure and municipal bond yields
P Goldsmith-Pinkham, MT Gustafson, RC Lewis, M Schwert
The Review of Financial Studies 36 (11), 4588-4635, 2023
Partisan residential sorting on climate change risk
A Bernstein, SB Billings, MT Gustafson, R Lewis
Journal of Financial Economics 146 (3), 989-1015, 2022
As we may print: new directions in output devices and computational crafts for children
M Eisenberg, A Eisenberg, S Hendrix, G Blauvelt, D Butter, J Garcia, ...
Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Interaction design and children, 31-39, 2003
Do Market Prices Improve the Accuracy of Court Valuations in Chapter 11?
C Demiroglu, J Franks, R Lewis
The Journal of Finance 77 (2), 1179-1218, 2022
On the design of highly accurate and efficient IIR and FIR filters
G Beylkin, RD Lewis, L Monzón
IEEE transactions on signal processing 60 (8), 4045-4054, 2012
Subpixel variability and quality assessment of satellite sea surface temperature data using a novel High Resolution Multistage Spectral Interpolation (HRMSI) technique
SL Castro, LA Monzon, GA Wick, RD Lewis, G Beylkin
Remote sensing of environment 217, 292-308, 2018
The effects of transparency on trading profits and price informativeness: Evidence from corporate bonds
R Lewis
SSRN, 2019
Corporate debt markets and recovery rates with vulture investors
R Lewis
Available at SSRN 2539585, 2016
Investor betas
R Lewis, S Santosh, L Bretscher
Available at SSRN, 2012
The effects of transparency on OTC market-making
R Lewis, M Schwert
Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research Paper, 2021
The costs of hedging disaster risk and home prices: evidence from flood insurance
S Ge, A Lam, R Lewis
Work. Pap. NYU Stern Sch. Bus. New York, 2022
Finding fund scale
R Lewis
Working paper, University of Colorado, 2015
Feasability of fixed wireless access
A Eftekhari, R Lewis, S Pollock, B Weber
Crowded ratings: Clientele effects in the corporate bond market
F Gomes, R Lewis, J Nickerson
Available at SSRN 3707588, 2021
The economic burden of pension shortfalls: Evidence from house prices
D Aiello, A Bernstein, M Kargar, R Lewis, M Schwert
Wall Street Journal 1, 2018
Does Wildfire Smoke Choke Local Business?
JM Addoum, D Gounopoulos, M Gustafson, R Lewis, T Nguyen
Available at SSRN 4564296, 2023
Ambiguity and corporate yield spreads
YY Izhakian, R Lewis, JF Zender
Ryan and Zender, Jaime F., Ambiguity and Corporate Yield Spreads (March 24 …, 2022
Three-Dimensional Printing on a Budget: a Classroom-Friendly Technique for Viewing and Visualizing Solid Objects
D Butter, M Eisenberg, J Garcia, R Lewis, T Nielsen
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 990-993, 2003
The costs of hedging disaster risk and home prices in the face of climate change
S Ge, A Lam, R Lewis
Available at SSRN 4192699, 2022
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Articles 1–20