Andrea Benazzo
Andrea Benazzo
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ABC as a flexible framework to estimate demography over space and time: some cons, many pros
G Bertorelle, A Benazzo, S Mona
Molecular ecology 19 (13), 2609-2625, 2010
Impact of type 2 diabetes susceptibility variants on quantitative glycemic traits reveals mechanistic heterogeneity
AS Dimas, V Lagou, A Barker, JW Knowles, R Mägi, MF Hivert, A Benazzo, ...
Diabetes 63 (6), 2158-2171, 2014
Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos
M De Manuel, M Kuhlwilm, P Frandsen, VC Sousa, T Desai, ...
Science 354 (6311), 477-481, 2016
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
A Benazzo, E Trucchi, JA Cahill, P Maisano Delser, S Mona, M Fumagalli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (45), E9589-E9597, 2017
Decreased nucleotide and expression diversity and modified coexpression patterns characterize domestication in the common bean
E Bellucci, E Bitocchi, A Ferrarini, A Benazzo, E Biagetti, S Klie, A Minio, ...
The Plant Cell 26 (5), 1901-1912, 2014
Large-scale recent expansion of European patrilineages shown by population resequencing
C Batini, P Hallast, D Zadik, PM Delser, A Benazzo, S Ghirotto, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7152, 2015
Across language families: genome diversity mirrors linguistic variation within E urope
G Longobardi, S Ghirotto, C Guardiano, F Tassi, A Benazzo, A Ceolin, ...
American journal of physical anthropology 157 (4), 630-640, 2015
Inferring genealogical processes from patterns of Bronze-Age and modern DNA variation in Sardinia
S Ghirotto, S Mona, A Benazzo, F Paparazzo, D Caramelli, G Barbujani
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (4), 875-886, 2010
Genealogical discontinuities among Etruscan, Medieval, and contemporary Tuscans
S Guimaraes, S Ghirotto, A Benazzo, L Milani, M Lari, E Pilli, E Pecchioli, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 26 (9), 2157-2166, 2009
Full circumpolar migration ensures evolutionary unity in the Emperor penguin
R Cristofari, G Bertorelle, A Ancel, A Benazzo, Y Le Maho, PJ Ponganis, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11842, 2016
4P: fast computing of population genetics statistics from large DNA polymorphism panels
A Benazzo, A Panziera, G Bertorelle
Ecology and Evolution 5 (1), 172-175, 2015
Recent selection changes in human genes under long-term balancing selection
C De Filippo, FM Key, S Ghirotto, A Benazzo, JR Meneu, A Weihmann, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (6), 1435-1447, 2016
A new hybrid approach for MHC genotyping: high-throughput NGS and long read MinION nanopore sequencing, with application to the non-model vertebrate Alpine chamois (Rupicapra …
S Fuselli, RP Baptista, A Panziera, A Magi, S Guglielmi, R Tonin, ...
Heredity 121 (4), 293-303, 2018
Evidence for past and present hybridization in three A ntarctic icefish species provides new perspectives on an evolutionary radiation
IAM Marino, A Benazzo, C Agostini, M Mezzavilla, SM Hoban, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (20), 5148-5161, 2013
No evidence of Neandertal admixture in the mitochondrial genomes of early European modern humans and contemporary Europeans
S Ghirotto, F Tassi, A Benazzo, G Barbujani
American journal of physical anthropology 146 (2), 242-252, 2011
Comparing models on the genealogical relationships among Neandertal, Cro-Magnoid and modern Europeans by serial coalescent simulations
EMS Belle, A Benazzo, S Ghirotto, V Colonna, G Barbujani
Heredity 102 (3), 218-225, 2009
Divergence and hybridization in sea turtles: Inferences from genome data show evidence of ancient gene flow between species
ST Vilaça, R Piccinno, O Rota‐Stabelli, M Gabrielli, A Benazzo, ...
Molecular Ecology 30 (23), 6178-6192, 2021
High variance in reproductive success generates a false signature of a genetic bottleneck in populations of constant size: a simulation study
SM Hoban, M Mezzavilla, OE Gaggiotti, A Benazzo, C Van Oosterhout, ...
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-10, 2013
Ancient genomes reveal early Andean farmers selected common beans while preserving diversity
E Trucchi, A Benazzo, M Lari, A Iob, S Vai, L Nanni, E Bellucci, E Bitocchi, ...
Nature Plants 7 (2), 123-128, 2021
Genetic diversity of CHC22 clathrin impacts its function in glucose metabolism
M Fumagalli, SM Camus, Y Diekmann, A Burke, MD Camus, PJ Norman, ...
Elife 8, e41517, 2019
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Articles 1–20