Edvard Nergård Larsen
Edvard Nergård Larsen
Senior researcher, Institute for Social Research
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Cited by
Cited by
The racialized and gendered workplace: applying an intersectional lens to a field experiment on hiring discrimination in five European labor markets
V Di Stasio, EN Larsen
Social Psychology Quarterly 83 (3), 229-250, 2020
Gender discrimination in hiring: Evidence from a cross-national harmonized field experiment
GE Birkelund, B Lancee, EN Larsen, JG Polavieja, J Radl, R Yemane
European Sociological Review 38 (3), 337-354, 2022
Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination
EN Larsen, V Di Stasio
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 47 (6), 1201-1221, 2021
Perfect for the job? Overqualification of immigrants and their descendants in the Norwegian labor market
EN Larsen, AF Rogne, GE Birkelund
Social Inclusion 6 (3), 78-103, 2018
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination: Technical report
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, M Fernandez Reino, ...
Available at SSRN 3398191, 2019
Racially distinctive names signal both race/ethnicity and social class
C Crabtree, SM Gaddis, JB Holbein, EN Larsen
Sociological Science 9, 454-472, 2022
Induced competition in matched correspondence tests: conceptual and methodological considerations
EN Larsen
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65, 100475, 2020
Discrimination against Black and Hispanic Americans is highest in hiring and housing contexts: A meta-analysis of correspondence audits
SM Gaddis, E Larsen, C Crabtree, J Holbein
Available at SSRN 3975770, 2021
Do males experience hiring discrimination in female-dominated occupations? An overview of field experiments since 1996
GE Birkelund, A Janz, EN Larsen
GEMM working paper, https://gemm2020. eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Gender …, 2019
The GEMM Study: a cross-national harmonized field experiment on hiring discrimination
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, MF Reino, A Heath, ...
DANS. https://doi. org/10.17026/dans-zrz-m9cm, 2021
Blir menn utsatt for ansettelsesdiskriminering i kvinnedominerte yrker?
GE Birkelund, A Janz, EN Larsen
Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 197-209, 2021
Changes in the Amount and Type of Social Science Research on Discrimination: 1950 to 2015
C Crabtree, SM Gaddis, J Holbein, E Larsen
Available at SSRN 3977169, 2021
The microfoundations of school segregation: An agent-based computational approach
EN Larsen
Å være en sak
O Elgvin, AB Grønningsæter, EN Larsen
Fafo. https://www. fafo. no/zoopublikasjoner/fafo-rapporter/a-vaere-en-sak, 2020
Silje Bringsrud Fekjær: Ph. d.–en veiviser
EN Larsen
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 59 (3), 318-320, 2018
Perfect for the Job? over-and Underqualification of Immigrants in the Norwegian Labor Market
E Larsen, A Rogne, G Birkelund
30th Annual Meeting, 2018
3.10. Perfect for the job? Employment and Overqualification of Immigrants and their Descendants in the Norwegian Labor Market
EN Larsen, AF Rogne, GE Birkelund
Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets (GEMM), 321, 0
Blending In or Moving On? Workplace Ethnic Diversity, Immigrant Assimilation, and Employee Turnover
EN Larsen, AÅ Madsen, AS Hermansen
OSF, 0
Ethnic Discrimination, the Structure of the Labour Market and Economic Conditions: Regional and International Comparisons
EN Larsen
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Articles 1–19