Pankaj K. Tiwari
Pankaj K. Tiwari
ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Micronutrients deficiencies vis-a-vis food and nutritional security of India
AK Shukla, PK Tiwari, C Prakash
Indian J. Fert 10 (12), 94-112, 2014
Spatial variability of soil micronutrients in the intensively cultivated Trans-Gangetic Plains of India
AK Shukla, SK Behera, NK Lenka, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, RS Malik, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 163, 282-289, 2016
Spatial Distribution and Management Zones for Sulphur and Micronutrients in Shiwalik Himalayan Region of India
AK Shukla, NK Sinha, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, SK Behera, NK Lenka, ...
Land Degradation & Development, 2017
Zinc application enhances superoxide dismutase and carbonic anhydrase activities in zinc-efficient and zinc-inefficient wheat genotypes
P Singh, AK Shukla, SK Behera, PK Tiwari
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19 (3), 477-487, 2019
Status of micronutrient deficiencies in soils of Haryana
AK Shukla, RS Malik, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, SK Behera, H Yadav, ...
Indian Journal of Fertilisers 11 (5), 16-27, 2015
Zinc and Iron in Soil, Plant, Animal and Human Health
APCP Arvind K. Shukla, Pankaj K. Tiwari
Indian Journal of Fertilisers 12 (11), 133-149, 2016
Micro- and Secondary Nutrients and Pollutant Elements Research in India
AK Shukla, PK Tiwari …, 2016
Micro- and Secondary - Nutrients and Pollutant Elements Research in India
AK Shukla, PK Tiwari, 2014
Soil microbial, chemical properties and crop productivity as affected by organic manure application in popcorn (Zea mays L. var. everta)
K Ashok, KS Nishant, KT Pankaj
African Journal of Microbiology Research 9 (21), 1402-1408, 2015
Classification of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) Genotypes for Zinc Efficiency
SK Behera, AK Shukla, PK Tiwari, A Tripathi, P Singh, V Trivedi, AK Patra, ...
Plants 9 (8), 952, 2020
Mapping current micronutrients deficiencies in soils of Uttarakhand for precise micronutrient management
AK Shukla, PC Srivastava, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, AK Patra, P Singh, ...
Indian Journal of Fertilisers 11 (7), 52-63, 2015
Evaluation of spatial distribution and regional zone delineation for micronutrients in a semi‐arid Deccan Plateau Region of India
AK Shukla, NK Sinha, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, SK Behera, ...
Land Degradation & Development, 2018
Mapping and frequency distribution of current micronutrient deficiencies in soils of Telangana for their precise management
AK Shukla, PS Babu, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, AK Patra, MC Patnaik
Indian J Fert 11 (8), 33-43, 2015
Categorization of diverse wheat genotypes for zinc efficiency based on higher yield and uptake efficiency
P Singh, AK Shukla, SK Behera, PK Tiwari, S Das, A Tripathi
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20, 648-656, 2020
Current status of micronutrient deficiencies in soils and crop-specific recommendations for different agro-climatic zones of Madhya Pradesh
AK Shukla, MC Meena, PK Tiwari, C Prakash, P Singh, GS Tagore, ...
Indian J Fert 12, 26-35, 2016
Efficacy of certain chemicals against leech, Glossiphonia complanata (L) on freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis (L)
PKTSS Sweta Pradhan, S S Dey, S Samantaray, Nandini Padhi
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7 (6), 637-641, 2019
Synergistic effect of N and Zn application in biofortifying Zn of efficient and inefficient group of wheat cultivars
P Singh, A Shukla, SK Behera, S Mishra
Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences (An International Journal) 9 (1 …, 2017
Physiological impact of ammonia-induced stress in freshwater pearl mussel, Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck, 1819)
EM Chhandaprajnadarsini, S Maharana, PK Tiwari, P Choudhary, ...
Molluscan Research, 1-12, 2025
Morphometry and length-weight relationships of the freshwater pearl mussel Parreysia corrugata (Muller 1774)(Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Daya River, Odisha, India
EM Chhandaprajnadarsini, S Saurabh, PK Tiwari
Indian Journal of Fisheries 71 (1)), 2024
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Articles 1–19