Gerald Schneider
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Cited by
Same menu, seperate tables: The institutionalist turn in political science and the study of European integration
MD Aspinwall, G Schneider
European Journal of Political Research 38 (1), 1-36, 2000
Globalization and peace: Assessing new directions in the study of trade and conflict
K Barbieri, G Schneider
Journal of Peace Research 36 (4), 387-404, 1999
War and the world economy: Stock market reactions to international conflicts
G Schneider, VE Troeger
Journal of conflict resolution 50 (5), 623-645, 2006
The contested Council: Conflict dimensions of an intergovernmental EU institution
C Zimmer, G Schneider, M Dobbins
Political Studies 53 (2), 403-422, 2005
The change of tide in political cooperation: A limited information model of European integration
G Schneider, LE Cederman
International Organization 48 (4), 633-662, 1994
Polarization and conflict: Theoretical and empirical issues
J Esteban, G Schneider
Journal of Peace Research 45 (2), 131-141, 2008
Who mediates? The political economy of international conflict management
J Bercovitch, G Schneider
Journal of Peace Research 37 (2), 145-165, 2000
When globalization discontent turns violent: Foreign economic liberalization and internal war
M Bussmann, G Schneider
International Studies Quarterly 51 (1), 79-97, 2007
Globalization and armed conflict
G Schneider, K Barbieri, NP Gleditsch
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003
ViEWS: A political violence early-warning system
H Hegre, M Allansson, M Basedau, M Colaresi, M Croicu, H Fjelde, ...
Journal of Peace Research 56 (2), 155-174, 2019
Bringing Putnam to the European regions: on the relevance of social capital for economic growth
G Schneider, T Plümper, S Baumann
European Urban and Regional Studies 7 (4), 307-317, 2000
Rules that matter: Political institutions and the diversity—conflict nexus
G Schneider, N Wiesehomeier
Journal of Peace Research 45 (2), 183-203, 2008
The rules of integration: Institutionalist approaches to the study of Europe
G Schneider, M Aspinwall
Manchester University Press, 2001
Money Makes the EU Go Round: The Objective Foundations of Conflict in the Council of Ministers
S Bailer, M Mattila, G Schneider
Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (3), 437-456, 2015
The punishment trap: integration referendums as popularity contests
G Schneider, PA Weitsman
Comparative Political Studies 28 (4), 582-607, 1996
Bargaining power in the European Union: An evaluation of competing game-theoretic models
G Schneider, D Finke, S Bailer
Political Studies 58 (1), 85-103, 2010
Institutional research on the European Union: mapping the field
M Aspinwall, G Schneider
Rational Choice und kommunikatives Handeln. Eine Replik auf Harald Müller
G Schneider
Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 1 (H. 2), 357-366, 1994
The impact of legislative deterrence measures on the number of asylum applications in Switzerland (1986–1995)
T Holzer, G Schneider, T Widmer
International Migration Review 34 (4), 1182-1216, 2000
The rules of integration: Institutionalist approaches to the study of Europe
M Aspinwall, G Schneider
Manchester University Press, 2001
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Articles 1–20