Cara Wallis
Cited by
Cited by
Technomobility in China: Young migrant women and mobile phones
C Wallis
Technomobility in China, 2013
Performing gender: A content analysis of gender display in music videos
C Wallis
Sex Roles 64, 160-172, 2011
New media practices in China: Youth patterns, processes, and politics
C Wallis
International Journal of Communication 5, 31, 2011
Mobile phones without guarantees: The promises of technology and the contingencies of culture
C Wallis
New Media & Society 13 (3), 471-485, 2011
Gender and China's online censorship protest culture
C Wallis
Feminist Media Studies 15 (2), 223-238, 2015
The SK-II# changedestiny campaign and the limits of commodity activism for women’s equality in neo/non-liberal China
C Wallis, Y Shen
Critical Studies in Media Communication 35 (4), 376-389, 2018
Chinese women in the official Chinese press: Discursive constructions of gender in service to the state
C Wallis
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 3 (1), 2017
Shanzhaiji and the Transformation of the Local Mediascape in Shenzhen
C Wallis, JL Qiu
Mapping media in China, 109-125, 2012
Micro-entrepreneurship, new media technologies, and the reproduction and reconfiguration of gender in rural China
C Wallis
Chinese Journal of Communication 8 (1), 42-58, 2015
Intersectionality,(Dis) unity, and Processes of Becoming at the 2017 Women's March
J Gantt-Shafer, C Wallis, C Miles
Women's Studies in Communication 42 (2), 221-240, 2019
(Im) mobile mobility: Marginal youth and mobile phones in Beijing
C Wallis
Mobile Communication, 71-92, 2017
Technology and/as governmentality: The production of young rural women as low-tech laboring subjects in China
C Wallis
Communication and critical/cultural studies 10 (4), 341-358, 2013
Domestic workers and the affective dimensions of communicative empowerment
C Wallis
Communication Culture & Critique 11 (2), 213-230, 2018
The traditional meets the technological
C Wallis
Youth, society and mobile media in Asia 19, 57, 2010
Technomobility in the margins: Mobile phones and young rural women in Beijing
C Wallis
University of Southern California, 2008
Mobile voices: A mobile, open source, popular communication platform for first-generation immigrants in Los Angeles
F Bar, M Brough, S Costanza-Chock, C Gonzalez, C Wallis, A Garces
Pre-conference workshop at the International Communication Association (ICA …, 2009
Techno-mobility and translocal migration: mobile phone use among female migrant workers in Beijing
C Wallis
Gender Digital Divide, 196-216, 2008
“Why do they want others to suffer the same pain they have endured?” Weibo debates about pain relief during childbirth in neo/non-liberal China
W Zou, C Wallis
Women's Studies in Communication 45 (2), 143-162, 2022
Public interactives, soft power, and China’s future at and beyond the 2010 Shanghai World Expo
C Wallis, A Balsamo
Global Media and China 1 (1-2), 32-48, 2016
New Media in International Contexts| Introduction
HA Horst, C Wallis
International Journal of Communication 5, 8, 2011
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Articles 1–20