Pierre Rognon
Cited by
Cited by
Dense flows of cohesive granular materials
PG Rognon, JN Roux, M Naaim, F Chevoir
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 596, 21-47, 2008
Dense flows of bidisperse assemblies of disks down an inclined plane
PG Rognon, JN Roux, M Naaïm, F Chevoir
Physics of Fluids 19 (5), 2007
Grainsize dynamics of polydisperse granular segregation down inclined planes
B Marks, P Rognon, I Einav
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 690, 499-511, 2012
Architectural design of 3D printed scaffolds controls the volume and functionality of newly formed bone
A Entezari, I Roohani, G Li, CR Dunstan, P Rognon, Q Li, X Jiang, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 8 (1), 1801353, 2019
Rheophysics of cohesive granular materials
PG Rognon, JN Roux, D Wolf, M Naaïm, F Chevoir
Europhysics Letters 74 (4), 644, 2006
Eddy viscosity in dense granular flows
T Miller, P Rognon, B Metzger, I Einav
Physical review letters 111 (5), 058002, 2013
Thermal transients and convective particle motion in dense granular materials
P Rognon, I Einav
Physical review letters 105 (21), 218301, 2010
Rheology of dense snow flows: Inferences from steady state chute-flow experiments
PG Rognon, F Chevoir, H Bellot, F Ousset, M Naaïm, P Coussot
Journal of Rheology 52 (3), 729-748, 2008
Rheology and structure of granular materials near the jamming transition
P Mills, PG Rognon, F Chevoir
Europhysics Letters 81 (6), 64005, 2008
Friction law in dense granular flows
F Chevoir, JN Roux, F da Cruz, PG Rognon, G Koval Jr
Powder Technology 190 (1-2), 264-268, 2009
Long-range wall perturbations in dense granular flows
PG Rognon, T Miller, B Metzger, I Einav
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 764, 171-192, 2015
Vortices enhance diffusion in dense granular flows
P Kharel, P Rognon
Physical review letters 119 (17), 178001, 2017
Flowing resistance and dilatancy of dense suspensions: lubrication and repulsion
PG Rognon, I Einav, C Gay
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 689, 75-96, 2011
Pull-out capacity of tree root inspired anchors in shallow granular soils
AS Dyson, PG Rognon
Géotechnique Letters 4 (4), 301-305, 2014
How rotational vortices enhance transfers
D Griffani, P Rognon, B Metzger, I Einav
Physics of Fluids 25 (9), 2013
Viscosity of cohesive granular flows
M Macaulay, P Rognon
Soft matter 17 (1), 165-173, 2021
A circulation-based method for detecting vortices in granular materials
P Rognon, T Miller, I Einav
Granular Matter 17, 177-188, 2015
A scaling law for heat conductivity in sheared granular materials
P Rognon, I Einav, J Bonivin, T Miller
Europhysics Letters 89 (5), 58006, 2010
Rhéologie des matériaux granulaires cohésifs. Application aux avalanches de neige dense.
P Rognon
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2006
Grain-size effect on uplift capacity of plate anchors in coarse granular soils
S Athani, P Kharel, D Airey, P Rognon
Géotechnique Letters 7 (2), 167-173, 2017
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Articles 1–20