Weiwei Zong
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Cited by
Identifying the Best Machine Learning Algorithms for Brain Tumor Segmentation, Progression Assessment, and Overall Survival Prediction in the BRATS Challenge
BM Spyridon Bakas, Mauricio Reyes, et Int
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
Weighted extreme learning machine for imbalance learning
W Zong, GB Huang, Y Chen
Neurocomputing 101, 229-242, 2013
Face recognition based on extreme learning machine
W Zong, GB Huang
Neurocomputing 74 (16), 2541-2551, 2011
Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries: 6th International Workshop, BrainLes 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru …
A Crimi, S Bakas
Springer Nature, 2021
Liver tumor detection and segmentation using kernel-based extreme learning machine
W Huang, N Li, Z Lin, GB Huang, W Zong, J Zhou, Y Duan
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Face recognition based on kernelized extreme learning machine
W Zong, H Zhou, GB Huang, Z Lin
International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, 263-272, 2011
Segmentation of the prostatic gland and the intraprostatic lesions on multiparametic magnetic resonance imaging using mask region-based convolutional neural networks
Z Dai, E Carver, C Liu, J Lee, A Feldman, W Zong, M Pantelic, M Elshaikh, ...
Advances in radiation oncology 5 (3), 473-481, 2020
Learning to rank with extreme learning machine
W Zong, GB Huang
Neural processing letters 39, 155-166, 2014
Automatic brain tumor segmentation and overall survival prediction using machine learning algorithms
E Carver, C Liu, W Zong, Z Dai, JM Snyder, J Lee, N Wen
Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries …, 2019
Automatic brain tumor segmentation using a U-net neural network
E Caver, L Chang, W Zong, Z Dai, N Wen
Pre-conference proceedings of the 7th MICCAI BraTS challenge 63, 2018
A deep dive into understanding tumor foci classification using multiparametric MRI based on convolutional neural network
W Zong, JK Lee, C Liu, EN Carver, AM Feldman, B Janic, MA Elshaikh, ...
Medical physics 47 (9), 4077-4086, 2020
Two-step fault diagnosis framework for rolling element bearings with imbalanced data based on GSA-WELM and GSA-ELM
Y Lan, X Han, W Zong, X Ding, X Xiong, J Huang, B Ma
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2018
Prostate cancer malignancy detection and localization from mpMRI using auto-deep learning as one step closer to clinical utilization
W Zong, E Carver, S Zhu, E Schaff, D Chapman, J Lee, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22430, 2022
Ovarian reserve in premenopausal women with breast cancer
X Zong, Y Yu, W Chen, W Zong, H Yang, X Chen
The Breast 64, 143-150, 2022
A two-step fault diagnosis framework for rolling element bearings with imbalanced data
Y Lan, W Zong, X Ding, X Xiong, X Han, J Huang, B Ma
2016 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2016
Adaptive Batch Normalization for Training Data with Heterogeneous Features
W Alsobhi, T Alafif, W Zong, AE Abdel-Hakim
2023 International Conference on Smart Computing and Application (ICSCA), 1-6, 2023
Prediction of Gleason grade group of prostate cancer on multiparametric MRI using deep machine learning models
W Zong, J Lee, M Pantelic, N Wen
Overall survival prediction of glioblastoma patients combining clinical factors with texture features extracted from 3-D convolutional neural networks
W Zong, J Lee, C Liu, J Snyder, N Wen
Cancer Research 79 (13_Supplement), 3351-3351, 2019
Overall Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma Using Clinical Factors Combined with Texture Features Extracted from 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
JK Lee, WW Zong, Z Dai, C Liu, J Snyder, NW Wen
Prostate Lesion Malignancy Classification from Multiparametric MRI Images Using Convolution Neural Network
W Zong, C Liu, S Liu, JK Lee, IJ Chetty, MA Elshaikh, B Movsas, N Wen
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 102 (3), e373, 2018
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Articles 1–20