Loris Sauter
Cited by
Cited by
Is the reign of interactive search eternal? findings from the video browser showdown 2020
J Lokoč, P Veselý, F Mejzlík, G Kovalčík, T Souček, L Rossetto, ...
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2021
Virtue: a virtual reality museum experience
I Giangreco, L Sauter, MA Parian, R Gasser, S Heller, L Rossetto, ...
Companion Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2019
Combining boolean and multimedia retrieval in vitrivr for large-scale video search
L Sauter, M Amiri Parian, R Gasser, S Heller, L Rossetto, H Schuldt
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 760-765, 2019
Interactive lifelog retrieval with vitrivr
S Heller, M Amiri Parian, R Gasser, L Sauter, H Schuldt
Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Lifelog Search Challenge, 1-6, 2020
Towards explainable interactive multi-modal video retrieval with vitrivr
S Heller, R Gasser, C Illi, M Pasquinelli, L Sauter, F Spiess, H Schuldt
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 435-440, 2021
Multi-stage queries and temporal scoring in vitrivr
S Heller, L Sauter, H Schuldt, L Rossetto
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-5, 2020
Interactive multimodal lifelog retrieval with Vitrivr at LSC 2021
S Heller, R Gasser, M Parian-Scherb, S Popovic, L Rossetto, L Sauter, ...
Proceedings of the 4th Annual on Lifelog Search Challenge, 35-39, 2021
Interactive video retrieval in the age of effective joint embedding deep models: lessons from the 11th VBS
J Lokoč, S Andreadis, W Bailer, A Duane, C Gurrin, Z Ma, N Messina, ...
Multimedia Systems 29 (6), 3481-3504, 2023
Multi-modal video retrieval in virtual reality with vitrivr-VR
F Spiess, R Gasser, S Heller, M Parian-Scherb, L Rossetto, L Sauter, ...
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 499-504, 2022
Exploring intuitive lifelog retrieval and interaction modes in virtual reality with vitrivr-vr
F Spiess, R Gasser, S Heller, L Rossetto, L Sauter, M Van Zanten, ...
Proceedings of the 4th Annual on Lifelog Search Challenge, 17-22, 2021
Multi-modal interactive video retrieval with temporal queries
S Heller, R Arnold, R Gasser, V Gsteiger, M Parian-Scherb, L Rossetto, ...
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 493-498, 2022
Competitive interactive video retrieval in virtual reality with vitrivr-VR
F Spiess, R Gasser, S Heller, L Rossetto, L Sauter, H Schuldt
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 441-447, 2021
Exploring cultural heritage in augmented reality with gofind!
L Sauter, L Rossetto, H Schuldt
2018 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2018
On the user-centric comparative remote evaluation of interactive video search systems
L Rossetto, R Gasser, S Heller, M Parian-Scherb, L Sauter, F Spiess, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 28 (4), 18-28, 2021
vitrivr at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022
S Heller, L Rossetto, L Sauter, H Schuldt
Proceedings of the 5th Annual on Lifelog Search Challenge, 27-31, 2022
Exploring effective interactive text-based video search in vitrivr
L Sauter, R Gasser, S Heller, L Rossetto, C Saladin, F Spiess, H Schuldt
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 646-651, 2023
City-Stories: Combining Entity Linking, Multimedia Retrieval, and Crowdsourcing to Make Historical Data Accessible
L Rettig, S Shabani, L Sauter, P Cudré-Mauroux, M Sokhn, H Schuldt
International Conference on Web Engineering, 521-524, 2021
Traceable asynchronous workflows in video retrieval with vitrivr-VR
F Spiess, S Heller, L Rossetto, L Sauter, P Weber, H Schuldt
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 622-627, 2023
An asynchronous scheme for the distributed evaluation of interactive multimedia retrieval
L Sauter, R Gasser, A Bernstein, H Schuldt, L Rossetto
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia …, 2022
Spatially Localised Immersive Contemporary and Historic Photo Presentation on Mobile Devices in Augmented Reality
L Sauter, T Bachmann, L Rossetto, H Schuldt
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on analySis, Understanding and proMotion of …, 2023
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Articles 1–20