Timo Järvilehto
Timo Järvilehto
Emeritus prof.
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The theory of the organism-environment system: I. Description of the theory
T Järvilehto
Integrative physiological and behavioral science 33, 321-334, 1998
Short-term habituation of the auditory evoked response in man
H Fruhstorfer, P Soveri, T Järvilehto
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 28 (2), 153-161, 1970
The theory of the organism-environment system as a basis of experimental work in psychology
T Järvilehto
Ecological Psychology 21 (2), 112-120, 2009
Ihminen ja ihmisen ympäristö: systeemisen psykologian perusteet
T Järvilehto
Pohjoinen, 1994
Differentiation between slow cortical potentials associated with motor and mental acts in man
T Järvilehto, H Fruhstorfer
Experimental Brain Research 11, 309-317, 1970
The theory of the organism-environment system: III. Role of efferent influences on receptors in the formation of knowledge
T Jarvilehto
Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 34, 90-100, 1999
Frontal midline theta related to learning in a simulated driving task
SJ Laukka, T Järvilehto, YI Alexandrov, J Lindqvist
Biological psychology 40 (3), 313-320, 1995
Theory of the organism-environment system: IV. The problem on mental activity and consciousness
T Jarvilehto
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 35, 35-57, 2000
The theory of the organism-environment system: II. Significance of nervous activity in the organism-environment system
T Järvilehto
Integrative physiological and behavioral science 33, 335-342, 1998
Activity versus reactivity in psychology and neurophysiology
Y Aalexandrov, T Jarvilehto
Ecological psychology 5 (1), 85-103, 1993
Peripheral neural basis of tactile sensations in man: II. Characteristics of human mechanoreceptors in the hairy skin and correlations of their activity with tactile sensations
T Järvilehto, H Hämäläinen, K Soininen
Brain research 219 (1), 13-27, 1981
Effect of ethanol on hippocampal neurons depends on their behavioural specialization
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka, T Järvilehto, VN Maz, ...
Acta physiologica scandinavica 149 (1), 105-115, 1993
Acute effect of ethanol on the pattern of behavioural specialization of neurons in the limbic cortex of the freely moving rabbit
YI Alexandrov, YV Grinchenko, S Laukka, T Järvilehto, VN Maz, ...
Acta physiologica scandinavica 140 (2), 257-268, 1990
Probability of deviant stimulus and event-related brain potentials
R Naatanen
Psychophysiology, 1983
Characteristics of single mechanoreceptive fibres innervating hairy skin of the human hand
T Järvilehto, H Hämäläinen, P Laurinen
Experimental Brain Research 25 (1), 45-61, 1976
Feeling as knowing—Part I: Emotion as reorganization of the organism-environment system
T Järvilehto
Consciousness & emotion 1 (2), 245-257, 2000
Paradoxical heat sensations during moderate cooling of the skin
H Hämäläinen, M Vartiainen, L Karvanen, T Järvilehto
Brain Research 251 (1), 77-81, 1982
Development of exergaming simulator for gym training, exercise testing and rehabilitation
VM Nurkkala, J Kalermo, T Jarvilehto
Journal of Communication and Computer 11, 403-411, 2014
Magnitude of stimulus deviance and brain potentials
R NÄÄTÍNEN, S Hukkanen, T Järvilehto
Progress in brain research 54, 337-342, 1980
The role of anticipation in reading
T Järvilehto, VM Nurkkala, K Koskela
Pragmatics & Cognition 17 (3), 509-526, 2009
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Articles 1–20