Dewar Finlay
Dewar Finlay
Professor of Electronic Systems, Ulster University
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Cited by
Optimal placement of accelerometers for the detection of everyday activities
I Cleland, B Kikhia, C Nugent, A Boytsov, J Hallberg, K Synnes, ...
Sensors 13 (7), 9183-9200, 2013
Semantic smart homes: towards knowledge rich assisted living environments
L Chen, C Nugent, M Mulvenna, D Finlay, X Hong
Intelligent patient management, 279-296, 2009
Editorial home automation as a means of independent living
CD Nugent, DD Finlay, P Fiorini, Y Tsumaki, E Prassler
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 5 (1), 1-9, 2008
Automation bias in medicine: the influence of automated diagnoses on interpreter accuracy and uncertainty when reading electrocardiograms
RR Bond, T Novotny, I Andrsova, L Koc, M Sisakova, D Finlay, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 51 (6), S6-S11, 2018
A logical framework for behaviour reasoning and assistance in a smart home
L Chen, CD Nugent, M Mulvenna, D Finlay, X Hong, M Poland
International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Mechatronics 9 (4), 20-34, 2008
The cardiac conduction system: generation and conduction of the cardiac impulse
A Kennedy, DD Finlay, D Guldenring, R Bond, K Moran, J McLaughlin
Critical Care Nursing Clinics 28 (3), 269-279, 2016
Using smartphones to address the needs of persons with Alzheimer’s disease
N Armstrong, C Nugent, G Moore, D Finlay
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 65, 485-495, 2010
Automated detection of atrial fibrillation using RR intervals and multivariate-based classification
A Kennedy, DD Finlay, D Guldenring, RR Bond, K Moran, J McLaughlin
Journal of electrocardiology 49 (6), 871-876, 2016
Assessing computerized eye tracking technology for gaining insight into expert interpretation of the 12-lead electrocardiogram: an objective quantitative approach
RR Bond, T Zhu, DD Finlay, B Drew, PD Kligfield, D Guldenring, C Breen, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 47 (6), 895-906, 2014
The effects of electrode misplacement on clinicians’ interpretation of the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram
RR Bond, DD Finlay, CD Nugent, C Breen, D Guldenring, MJ Daly
European journal of internal medicine 23 (7), 610-615, 2012
A review of ECG storage formats
RR Bond, DD Finlay, CD Nugent, G Moore
International journal of medical informatics 80 (10), 681-697, 2011
PDF–ECG in clinical practice: A model for long–term preservation of digital 12–lead ECG data
R Sassi, RR Bond, A Cairns, DD Finlay, D Guldenring, G Libretti, L Isola, ...
Journal of electrocardiology 50 (6), 776-780, 2017
Synthesising the 12-lead electrocardiogram: Trends and challenges
DD Finlay, CD Nugent, JG Kellett, MP Donnelly, PJ McCullagh, ND Black
European journal of internal medicine 18 (8), 566-570, 2007
homeML–an open standard for the exchange of data within smart environments
CD Nugent, DD Finlay, RJ Davies, HY Wang, H Zheng, J Hallberg, ...
Pervasive Computing for Quality of Life Enhancement: 5th International …, 2007
Human Centered Artificial Intelligence: Weaving UX into Algorithmic Decision Making.
RR Bond, MD Mulvenna, H Wan, DD Finlay, A Wong, A Koene, R Brisk, ...
RoCHI, 2-9, 2019
Developing smartphone applications for people with Alzheimer's disease
N Armstrong, CD Nugent, G Moore, DD Finlay
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2010
Validity of heart rate measurements by the Garmin Forerunner 225 at different walking intensities
J Claes, R Buys, A Avila, D Finlay, A Kennedy, D Guldenring, W Budts, ...
Journal of medical engineering & technology 41 (6), 480-485, 2017
Optimal electrocardiographic lead systems: practical scenarios in smart clothing and wearable health systems
DD Finlay, CD Nugent, MP Donnelly, PJ McCullagh, ND Black
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12 (4), 433-441, 2008
Selection of optimal recording sites for limited lead body surface potential mapping: A sequential selection based approach
DD Finlay, CD Nugent, MP Donnelly, RL Lux, PJ McCullagh, ND Black
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 6, 1-9, 2006
Using event calculus for behaviour reasoning and assistance in a smart home
L Chen, C Nugent, M Mulvenna, D Finlay, X Hong, M Poland
Smart Homes and Health Telematics: 6th International Conference, ICOST 2008 …, 2008
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Articles 1–20