Jessica Schroeder
Jessica Schroeder
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Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools
DA Epstein, NB Lee, JH Kang, E Agapie, J Schroeder, LR Pina, J Fogarty, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
When Personal Tracking Becomes Social: Examining the Use of Instagram for Healthy Eating
CF Chung, E Agapie, J Schroeder, S Mishra, J Fogarty, SA Munson
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Pocket Skills: A Conversational Mobile Web App to Support Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
J Schroeder, C Wilks, K Rowan, A Toledo, A Paradiso, M Czerwinski, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI …, 2018
TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers
R Karkar, J Schroeder, DA Epstein, LR Pina, J Scofield, J Fogarty, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Supporting Patient-Provider Collaboration to Identify Individual Triggers using Food and Symptom Journals
J Schroeder, J Hoffswell, CF Chung, J Fogarty, S Munson, J Zia
CSCW: proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work …, 2017
Identifying and Planning for Individualized Change: Patient-Provider Collaboration Using Lightweight Food Diaries in Healthy Eating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
CF Chung, Q Wang, J Schroeder, A Cole, J Zia, J Fogarty, SA Munson
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Rapid suppression of inhibitory synaptic transmission by retinoic acid
F Sarti, Z Zhang, J Schroeder, L Chen
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (28), 11440-11450, 2013
Examining Self-Tracking by People with Migraine: Goals, Needs, and Opportunities in a Chronic Health Condition
J Schroeder, CF Chung, DA Epstein, R Karkar, A Parsons, N Murinova, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Conference of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2018), 2018
Examining Opportunities for Goal-Directed Self-Tracking to Support Chronic Condition Management
J Schroeder, R Karkar, N Murinova, J Fogarty, SA Munson
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Conditional RARα knockout mice reveal acute requirement for retinoic acid and RARα in homeostatic plasticity
F Sarti, J Schroeder, J Aoto, L Chen
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 5, 16, 2012
Feasibility and usability pilot study of a novel irritable bowel syndrome food and gastrointestinal symptom journal smartphone app
J Zia, J Schroeder, S Munson, J Fogarty, L Nguyen, P Barney, ...
Clinical and translational gastroenterology 7 (3), e147, 2016
The Importance of Starting with Goals in N-of-1 Studies
SA Munson, J Schroeder, R Karkar, JA Kientz, CF Chung, J Fogarty
Frontiers in Digital Health 2, 3, 2020
A Patient-Centered Proposal for Bayesian Analysis of Self-Experiments for Health
J Schroeder, R Karkar, J Fogarty, JA Kientz, SA Munson, M Kay
Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research, 1-32, 2018
“They don’t always think about that”: Translational Needs in the Design of Personal Health Informatics Applications
S Kirchner, J Schroeder, J Fogarty, SA Munson
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
The feasibility, usability, and clinical utility of traditional paper food and symptom journals for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
JK Zia, CF Chung, J Schroeder, SA Munson, JA Kientz, J Fogarty, E Bales, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 29 (2), e12935, 2017
Understanding and Supporting Self-Tracking App Selection
JH Lee, J Schroeder, DA Epstein
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2021
The No Worries Trial: Efficacy of Online Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Training for Chronic Pain (iDBT-Pain) Using a Single Case Experimental Design
N Norman-Nott, CR Wilks, N Hesam-Shariati, J Schroeder, J Suh, ...
The Journal of Pain 23 (4), 558-576, 2022
Data-Driven Implications for Translating Evidence-Based Psychotherapies into Technology-Delivered Interventions
J Schroeder, J Suh, C Wilks, M Czerwinski, SA Munson, J Fogarty, ...
Proceedings of PervasiveHealth, 2020
Is it a question of trust?: how search preferences influence forum use
JL Crawford, C Guo, J Schroeder, RI Arriaga, J Mankoff
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2014
Internet-delivered dialectical behavioral therapy skills training for chronic pain: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
N Norman-Nott, N Hesam-Shariati, CR Wilks, J Schroeder, J Suh, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 12 (1), e41890, 2023
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