Hossein Saghlatoon
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Cited by
Investigation on electrical and mechanical properties of 3D printed nylon 6 for RF/microwave electronics applications
S Aslanzadeh, H Saghlatoon, MM Honari, R Mirzavand, C Montemagno, ...
Additive Manufacturing 21, 69-75, 2018
Inkjet-printed wideband planar monopole antenna on cardboard for RF energy-harvesting applications
H Saghlatoon, T Björninen, L Sydänheimo, MM Tentzeris, L Ukkonen
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 14, 325-328, 2014
Optimization of inkjet printing of patch antennas on low-cost fibrous substrates
H Saghlatoon, L Sydänheimo, L Ukkonen, M Tentzeris
IEEE Antennas and wireless propagation letters 13, 915-918, 2014
A highly deformable conducting traces for printed antennas and interconnects: Silver/fluoropolymer composite amalgamated by triethanolamine
A Kumar, H Saghlatoon, TG La, MM Honari, H Charaya, HA Damis, ...
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2 (4), 045001, 2017
Self-reinforcing graphene coatings on 3D printed elastomers for flexible radio frequency antennas and strain sensors
X Li, MM Honari, Y Fu, A Kumar, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi, HJ Chung
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2 (3), 035001, 2017
A dual-band low-profile aperture antenna with substrate-integrated waveguide grooves
MM Honari, R Mirzavand, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (4), 1561-1566, 2016
Sensor antenna transmitter system for material detection in wireless-sensor-node applications
H Saghlatoon, R Mirzavand, MM Honari, P Mousavi
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (21), 8812-8819, 2018
A three-port zero-power RFID sensor architecture for IoT applications
N Khalid, R Mirzavand, H Saghlatoon, MM Honari, P Mousavi
IEEE Access 8, 66888-66897, 2020
A batteryless RFID sensor architecture with distance ambiguity resolution for smart home IoT applications
N Khalid, R Mirzavand, H Saghlatoon, MM Honari, AK Iyer, P Mousavi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (4), 2960-2972, 2021
Investigation of the 3D printing roughness effect on the performance of a dielectric rod antenna
MM Honari, R Mirzavand, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (11), 2075-2079, 2018
Wideband high-gain circularly polarized resonant cavity antenna with a thin complementary partially reflective surface
A Goudarzi, M Movahhedi, MM Honari, H Saghlatoon, R Mirzavand, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (1), 532-537, 2020
Electrically-small Luneburg lens for antenna gain enhancement using new 3D printing filling technique
H Saghlatoon, MM Honari, S Aslanzadeh, R Mirzavand
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 124, 153352, 2020
Fixed-Frequency Low-Loss Dielectric Material Sensing Transmitter
H Saghlatoon, R Mirzavand, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020
Two-layered substrate integrated waveguide filter for UWB applications
MM Honari, R Mirzavand, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 27 (7), 633-635, 2017
Wideband Printed TM01 to TE11 Mode Converters
PM Mohammad Mahdi Honari, Rashid Mirzavand, Samira Aslanzadeh, Hossein ...
IEEE Access 7, 35438 - 35448, 2019
Low-cost inkjet printed passive booster for increasing the magnetic coupling in proximity of metal object for NFC systems
H Saghlatoon, RM Boroujeni, MM Honari, P Mousavi
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 26 (12), 996-998, 2016
A highly miniaturized and inherently conjugately matched folded dipole-based RFID tag antenna
S Das, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi, AK Iyer
IEEE Access 7, 101658-101664, 2019
High-resolution dielectric constant measurement using a sensor antenna with an allocated link for data transmission
M Behdani, MMH Kalateh, H Saghlatoon, J Melzer, R Mirzavand
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (24), 14827-14835, 2020
Evaluation of one-staged 3-D printed frequency selective surface using carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite
R Mirzavand, MM Honari, S Aslanzadeh, H Saghlatoon, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 9 …, 2019
Investigation on Passive Booster for Improving Magnetic Coupling of Metal Mounted Proximity Range HF RFIDs
PM Hossein Saghlatoon, Rashid Mirzavand, Mohammad Mahdi Honari
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Articles 1–20