Ching-chong Lai
Ching-chong Lai
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
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The impact of military burden on long-run growth and welfare
J Shieh, C Lai, W Chang
Journal of Development Economics 68 (2), 443-454, 2002
Collaborative tax evasion and social norms: why deterrence does not work
J Chang, C Lai
Oxford Economic Papers 56 (2), 344-368, 2004
Money and the welfare cost of inflation in an R&D growth model
AC Chu, CC Lai
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 45 (1), 233-249, 2013
Inflation, R&D and growth in an open economy
AC Chu, G Cozzi, CC Lai, CH Liao
Journal of International Economics 96 (2), 360-374, 2015
Casual police corruption and the economics of crime:: Further results
J Chang, C Lai, CC Yang
International Review of Law and Economics 20 (1), 35-51, 2000
Superconductivity at 15 K in the metastable C compound
HC Ku, CC Lai, YB You, JH Shieh, WY Guan
Physical Review B 50 (1), 351, 1994
Endogenous growth and defense expenditures: A new explanation of the Benoit Hypothesis
C Lai, J Shieh, WY Chang
Defence and Peace Economics 13 (3), 179-186, 2002
Is the efficiency wage efficient? The social norm and organizational corruption
J Chang, C Lai
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104 (1), 27-47, 2002
Commodity price dynamics and anticipated shocks
C Lai, S Hu, V Wang
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (4), 982-990, 1996
Abatement R&D, market imperfections, and environmental policy in an endogenous growth model
H Chu, C Lai
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 41, 20-37, 2014
A “managerial” trade union and economic growth
J Chang, M Shaw, CC Lai
European Economic Review 51 (2), 365-384, 2007
Carrots or sticks? A social custom viewpoint on worker effort
J Chang, C Lai
European Journal of political economy 15 (2), 297-310, 1999
Anticipated environmental policy and transitional dynamics in an endogenous growth model
J Chen, C Lai, J Shieh
Environmental and Resource Economics 25, 233-254, 2003
Social status, inflation, and endogenous growth in a cash-in-advance economy
W Chang, Y Hsieh, C Lai
European Journal of Political Economy 16 (3), 535-545, 2000
Environmental regulations and social norms
CC Lai, CY Yang, JJ Chang
International Tax and Public Finance 10, 63-75, 2003
Anticipated inflation in a monetary economy with endogenous growth
WY Chang, CC Lai
Economica 67 (267), 399-417, 2000
Addictive behavior and endogenous growth
J Shieh, C Lai, W Chang
Journal of Economics 72, 263-273, 2000
Optimal tax policy, market imperfections, and environmental externalities in a dynamic optimizing macro model
JJ Chang, J Chen, JY Shieh, CC Lai
Journal of Public Economic Theory 11 (4), 623-651, 2009
Profit sharing, worker effort, and double-sided moral hazard in an efficiency wage model
J Chang, C Lai, C Lin
Journal of comparative economics 31 (1), 75-93, 2003
Is it worthwhile to pay referees?
J Chang, C Lai
Southern Economic Journal 68 (2), 457-463, 2001
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Articles 1–20