Tanja Kidholm Osmann Madsen
Tanja Kidholm Osmann Madsen
Assistant Professor, Traffic Research Group, Department of the Build Environment, Aalborg University
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Cited by
Comparison of five bicycle facility designs in signalized intersections using traffic conflict studies
TKO Madsen, H Lahrmann
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 46, 438-450, 2017
The effect of a yellow bicycle jacket on cyclist accidents
H Lahrmann, TKO Madsen, AV Olesen, JCO Madsen, T Hels
Safety Science 108, 209-217, 2018
An in-depth analysis of self-reported cycling injuries in single and multiparty bicycle crashes in Denmark
M Hosseinpour, TKO Madsen, AV Olesen, H Lahrmann
Journal of safety research 77, 114-124, 2021
Single-bicycle crashes: An in-depth analysis of self-reported crashes and estimation of attributable hospital cost
AV Olesen, TKO Madsen, T Hels, M Hosseinpour, HS Lahrmann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 161, 106353, 2021
Thermal imaging systems for real-time applications in smart cities
R Gade, TB Moeslund, SZ Nielsen, H Skov-Petersen, HJ Andersen, ...
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 53 (4), 291-308, 2016
Randomized trials and self-reported accidents as a method to study safety-enhancing measures for cyclists—two case studies
H Lahrmann, TKO Madsen, AV Olesen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 114, 17-24, 2018
Use of psychotropic medication and risk of road traffic crashes: a registry-based case–control study in Denmark, 1996–2018
AV Olesen, TKO Madsen, H Lahrmann, J Nielsen
Psychopharmacology 239 (8), 2537-2546, 2022
Road user behaviour analyses based on video detections: Status and best practice examples from the RUBA software
N Agerholm, C Tønning, TKO Madsen, CH Bahnsen, TB Moeslund, ...
24th ITS World Congress Montreal 2017, 1-10, 2017
Collecting traffic video data using portable poles: survey, proposal, and analysis
MB Jensen, CH Bahnsen, HS Lahrmann, TKO Madsen, TB Moeslund
Journal of Transportation Technologies 8 (4), 88175, 2018
Surrogate measures of safety and traffic conflict observations
A Várhelyi, A Laureshyn, C Johnsson, N Saunier, R van der Horst, ...
How to analyse accident causation?: A handbook with focus on vulnerable road …, 2018
Assessment of safety of VRUs based on self-reporting of accidents and near-accidents
TKO Madsen, A Várhelyi, E Polders, S Reumers, P Hosta, DJ Bibiloni, ...
European Commission* Office for Official Publications of the European Union, 2018
Exploration of a method to validate surrogate safety measures with a focus on vulnerable road users
A Laureshyn, C Johnsson, T Madsen, A Varhelyi, M de Goede, ...
Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, 17-19 …, 2017
Krydsløsninger for cyklister: Anvendelse af konfliktteknik til vurdering af forskellige løsningers sikkerhed
TKO Madsen, H Lahrmann
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2014
Hvor mange kommer til skade i trafikken?-estimering af antal personskader efter trafikulykker i Danmark baseret på selvrapportering igennem en befolkningsundersøgelse
AV Olesen, H Lahrmann, TKO Madsen, T Hels, J Lauritsen
Danish Journal of Transportation Research–Dansk Tidsskrift for …, 2022
Projekt Cykeljakke: Den sikkerhedsmæssige effekt af en gul cykeljakke
H Lahrmann, JCO Madsen, TKO Madsen, AV Olesen, ...
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2014
Review of current study methods for VRU safety
P Olszewski, B Osinska, P Szagała, P Włodarek, S Niesen, O Kidholm, ...
Deliverable, 0
Advanced stop boxes and their effect on traffic conflict rates between cyclists and turning vehicles
TKO Madsen, C Tønning, AV Olesen, T Hels, H Lahrmann
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 14 (10), 1731-1749, 2022
Video Analysis and Mapping of Vulnerable Road Users’ Safety
TKO Madsen
Review of current study methods for VRU safety. Part 1–Main report
P Olszewski, B Osińska, P Szagała, P Włodarek, S Niesen, ...
Review of current study methods for VRU safety: Appendix 7–Systematic literature review: Self-reported accidents
CS Andersen, NA Kamaluddin, A Várhelyi, TKO Madsen, KM Møller
Warsaw University of Technology, 2016
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Articles 1–20