Giacomo Berardi
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Cited by
Word Embeddings Go to Italy: A Comparison of Models and Training Datasets.
G Berardi, A Esuli, D Marcheggiani
IIR, 2015
Multi-store metadata-based supervised mobile app classification
G Berardi, A Esuli, T Fagni, F Sebastiani
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 585-588, 2015
Semi-automated text classification for sensitivity identification
G Berardi, A Esuli, C Macdonald, I Ounis, F Sebastiani
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and …, 2015
ISTI@TREC Microblog track 2011: exploring the use of hashtag segmentation and text quality ranking
G Berardi, A Esuli, D Marcheggiani, F Sebastiani
A utility-theoretic ranking method for semi-automated text classification
G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
A multi-lingual annotated dataset for aspect-oriented opinion mining
SM Jiménez-Zafra, G Berardi, A Esuli, D Marcheggiani, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2015
Utility-theoretic ranking for semiautomated text classification
G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 10 (1), 1-32, 2015
Classifying websites by industry sector: A study in feature design
G Berardi, A Esuli, T Fagni, F Sebastiani
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1053-1059, 2015
Named entity recognition on transcribed broadcast news at EVALITA 2011
V Bartalesi Lenzi, M Speranza, R Sprugnoli
International Workshop on Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tool for …, 2012
Optimising human inspection work in automated verbatim coding
G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani
International Journal of Market Research 56 (4), 489-512, 2014
Endorsements and rebuttals in blog distillation
G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani, F Silvestri
Information Sciences 249, 38-47, 2013
Metadata enrichment services for the europeana digital library
G Berardi, A Esuli, S Gordea, D Marcheggiani, F Sebastiani
Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Second International Conference …, 2012
Blog distillation via sentiment-sensitive link analysis
G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani, F Silvestri
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 17th International …, 2012
The Tanl tagger for named entity recognition on transcribed broadcast news at Evalita 2011
G Attardi, G Berardi, S Dei Rossi, M Simi
Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tools for Italian: International …, 2013
On the impact of entity linking in microblog real-time filtering
G Berardi, D Ceccarelli, A Esuli, D Marcheggiani
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1066-1071, 2015
Semi-Automated Text Classification.
G Berardi
SIGIR Forum 48 (1), 42, 2014
ISTI@ TREC Microblog Track 2012: Real-Time Filtering Through Supervised Learning.
G Berardi, A Esuli, D Marcheggiani
TREC, 2012
Sedano: A news stream processor for business
U Scaiella, G Berardi, G Mega, R Santoro
Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2016
Studio di algoritmi di random walk basati su sentiment analysis per l'ordinamento di risultati di ricerche su blog
of Document:........................ Ingestion Services–2nd release
A Esuli, G Berardi, D Marcheggiani, F Sebastiani, S Gordea, O Täckström
Information Retrieval 11 (4), 287-313, 0
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Articles 1–20