Pierre Bonami
Cited by
Cited by
An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs
P Bonami, LT Biegler, AR Conn, G Cornuéjols, IE Grossmann, CD Laird, ...
Discrete optimization 5 (2), 186-204, 2008
Algorithms and software for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs
P Bonami, M Kilinç, J Linderoth
Mixed integer nonlinear programming, 1-39, 2011
An exact solution approach for portfolio optimization problems under stochastic and integer constraints
P Bonami, MA Lejeune
Operations research 57 (3), 650-670, 2009
Solving mixed-integer quadratic programming problems with IBM-CPLEX: a progress report
C Bliek1ú, P Bonami, A Lodi
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth RAMP symposium, 16-17, 2014
BONMIN user’s manual
P Bonami, J Lee
Numer Math 4, 1-32, 2007
A feasibility pump for mixed integer nonlinear programs
P Bonami, G Cornuéjols, A Lodi, F Margot
Mathematical Programming 119 (2), 331-352, 2009
On handling indicator constraints in mixed integer programming
P Belotti, P Bonami, M Fischetti, A Lodi, M Monaci, A Nogales-Gómez, ...
Computational Optimization and Applications 65, 545-566, 2016
On mathematical programming with indicator constraints
P Bonami, A Lodi, A Tramontani, S Wiese
Mathematical programming 151, 191-223, 2015
Convex relaxations of non-convex mixed integer quadratically constrained programs: extended formulations
A Saxena, P Bonami, J Lee
Mathematical programming 124 (1), 383-411, 2010
Multiphase mixed-integer optimal control approach to aircraft trajectory optimization
P Bonami, A Olivares, M Soler, E Staffetti
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (5), 1267-1277, 2013
Convex relaxations of non-convex mixed integer quadratically constrained programs: projected formulations
A Saxena, P Bonami, J Lee
Mathematical programming 130, 359-413, 2011
Learning a classification of mixed-integer quadratic programming problems
P Bonami, A Lodi, G Zarpellon
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2018
Heuristics for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs
P Bonami, JPM Gonçalves
Computational Optimization and Applications 51 (2), 729-747, 2012
Mixed-integer nonlinear programs featuring “on/off” constraints
H Hijazi, P Bonami, G Cornuéjols, A Ouorou
Computational Optimization and Applications 52 (2), 537-558, 2012
An outer-inner approximation for separable mixed-integer nonlinear programs
H Hijazi, P Bonami, A Ouorou
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (1), 31-44, 2014
Scoring positive semidefinite cutting planes for quadratic optimization via trained neural networks
R Baltean-Lugojan, P Bonami, R Misener, A Tramontani
preprint: http://www. optimization-online. org/DB_ HTML/2018/11/6943. html, 2019
On the relative strength of split, triangle and quadrilateral cuts
A Basu, P Bonami, G Cornuéjols, F Margot
Mathematical Programming 126 (2), 281-314, 2011
Projected Chvátal–Gomory cuts for mixed integer linear programs
P Bonami, G Cornuéjols, S Dash, M Fischetti, A Lodi
Mathematical Programming 113 (2), 241-257, 2008
Globally solving nonconvex quadratic programming problems with box constraints via integer programming methods
P Bonami, O Günlük, J Linderoth
Mathematical Programming Computation 10 (3), 333-382, 2018
More branch-and-bound experiments in convex nonlinear integer programming
P Bonami, J Lee, S Leyffer, A Wächter
Preprint ANL/MCS-P1949-0911, Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and …, 2011
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Articles 1–20