Qiong (Chiong) Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of e-waste regulation on new product introduction
E Plambeck, Q Wang
Management Science 55 (3), 333-347, 2009
Kalman filter estimation of new product diffusion models
J Xie, XM Song, M Sirbu, Q Wang
Journal of Marketing Research 34 (3), 378-393, 1997
An asymptotically optimal policy for a quantity-based network revenue management problem
MI Reiman, Q Wang
Mathematics of Operations Research 33 (2), 257-282, 2008
Stochastic traffic engineering for demand uncertainty and risk-aware network revenue management
D Mitra, Q Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 13 (2), 221-233, 2005
Optimizing vendor selection in a two-stage outsourcing process
Q Cao, Q Wang
Computers & operations research 34 (12), 3757-3768, 2007
Economic models of sponsored content in wireless networks with uncertain demand
M Andrews, U Ozen, MI Reiman, Q Wang
Smart Data Pricing, 267-288, 2014
Optimal pricing for integrated services networks
Q Wang, JM Peha, MA Sirbu
A stochastic programming based inventory policy for assemble-to-order systems with application to the W model
MK Doğru, MI Reiman, Q Wang
Operations research 58 (4-part-1), 849-864, 2010
Implications of hyperbolic discounting for optimal pricing and scheduling of unpleasant services that generate future benefits
EL Plambeck, Q Wang
Management Science 59 (8), 1927-1946, 2013
Optimal planning for optical transport networks
S Lanning, D Mitra, Q Wang, M Wright
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2000
Asymptotically optimal inventory control for assemble-to-order systems with identical lead times
MI Reiman, Q Wang
Operations Research 63 (3), 716-732, 2015
On earliest deadline first scheduling for temporal consistency maintenance
M Xiong, Q Wang, K Ramamritham
Real-Time Systems 40, 208-237, 2008
Combined economic modeling and traffic engineering: Joint optimization of pricing and routing in multi-service networks
D Mitra, KG Ramakrishnan, Q Wang
Teletraffic Science and Engineering 4, 73-85, 2001
Stochastic traffic engineering, with applications to network revenue management
D Mitra, Q Wang
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
A survey of recent progress in the asymptotic analysis of inventory systems
DA Goldberg, MI Reiman, Q Wang
Production and Operations Management 30 (6), 1718-1750, 2021
The design of an optimal pricing scheme for ATM integrated-services networks
Q Wang, JM Peha, MA Sirbu
Journal of Electronic Publishing 1 (1&2), 1995
On the core of cooperative queueing games
U Özen, MI Reiman, Q Wang
Operations Research Letters 39 (5), 385-389, 2011
Assemble‐to‐Order inventory management via stochastic programming: Chained BOMs and the M‐System
MK Doğru, MI Reiman, Q Wang
Production and Operations Management 26 (3), 446-468, 2017
Provisioning for bandwidth sharing and exchange
RC Hampshire, WA Massey, D Mitra, Q Wang
Telecommunications Network Design and Management, 207-225, 2003
A stochastic program based lower bound for assemble-to-order inventory systems
MI Reiman, Q Wang
Operations Research Letters 40 (2), 89-95, 2012
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Articles 1–20