Mark Freeman
Mark Freeman
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Discounting disentangled
MA Drupp, MC Freeman, B Groom, F Nesje
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10 (4), 109-134, 2018
Climate economics support for the UN climate targets
MC Hänsel, MA Drupp, DJA Johansson, F Nesje, C Azar, MC Freeman, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (8), 781-789, 2020
Declining discount rates
ML Cropper, MC Freeman, B Groom, WA Pizer
American Economic Review 104 (5), 538-543, 2014
Innovative financing models for low carbon transitions: Exploring the case for revolving funds for domestic energy efficiency programmes
A Gouldson, N Kerr, J Millward-Hopkins, MC Freeman, C Topi, R Sullivan
Energy Policy 86, 739-748, 2015
Biodiversity valuation and the discount rate problem
MC Freeman, B Groom
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 26 (5), 715-745, 2013
Declining discount rates and the Fisher Effect: Inflated past, discounted future?
MC Freeman, B Groom, E Panopoulou, T Pantelidis
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 73, 32-49, 2015
Positively gamma discounting: combining the opinions of experts on the social discount rate
MC Freeman, B Groom
The Economic Journal 125 (585), 1015-1024, 2015
The future, now: a review of social discounting
B Groom, MA Drupp, MC Freeman, F Nesje
Annual Review of Resource Economics 14 (1), 467-491, 2022
How certain are we about the certainty-equivalent long term social discount rate?
MC Freeman, B Groom
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 79, 152-168, 2016
Social discount rates for cost-benefit analysis: a report for HM Treasury
M Freeman, B Groom, M Spackman
HM Treasury: London, UK, 2018
Climate sensitivity uncertainty: when is good news bad?
MC Freeman, G Wagner, RJ Zeckhauser
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Credit risk management: The use of credit derivatives by non‐financial corporations
MC Freeman, PR Cox, B Wright
Managerial finance 32 (9), 761-773, 2006
Philosophers and economists agree on climate policy paths but for different reasons
F Nesje, MA Drupp, MC Freeman, B Groom
Nature Climate Change 13 (6), 515-522, 2023
Yes, we should discount the far-distant future at its lowest possible rate: a resolution of the Weitzman–Gollier Puzzle
MC Freeman
Economics 4 (1), 20100013, 2010
The conditional relationship between beta and returns: A reassessment
MC Freeman, C Guermat
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 33 (7‐8), 1213-1239, 2006
Estimating the equity premium
MC Freeman, IR Davidson
The European Journal of Finance 5 (3), 236-246, 1999
Information efficiency changes following FTSE 100 index revisions
W Daya, K Mazouz, M Freeman
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 22 (4 …, 2012
Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems
MA Drupp, MC Hänsel, EP Fenichel, M Freeman, C Gollier, B Groom, ...
Science 383 (6687), 1062-1064, 2024
Better predictions, better allocations: scientific advances and adaptation to climate change
MC Freeman, B Groom, RJ Zeckhauser
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Harnessing the uncertainty monster: Putting quantitative constraints on the intergenerational social discount rate
S Lewandowsky, MC Freeman, ME Mann
Global and Planetary Change 156, 155-166, 2017
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Articles 1–20