Minh Ha Quang
Minh Ha Quang
Team Leader, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
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Cited by
Mercer’s theorem, feature maps, and smoothing
HQ Minh, P Niyogi, Y Yao
International Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 154-168, 2006
Some properties of Gaussian reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and their implications for function approximation and learning theory
HQ Minh
Constructive Approximation 32, 307-338, 2010
A new kernel-based approach for nonlinearsystem identification
G Pillonetto, MH Quang, A Chiuso
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (12), 2825-2840, 2011
Log-Hilbert-Schmidt metric between positive definite operators on Hilbert spaces
M Ha Quang, M San Biagio, V Murino
Advances in neural information processing systems 27, 2014
Semi-supervised multi-feature learning for person re-identification
D Figueira, L Bazzani, HQ Minh, M Cristani, A Bernardino, V Murino
2013 10th IEEE international conference on advanced video and signal based …, 2013
A unifying framework in vector-valued reproducing kernel hilbert spaces for manifold regularization and co-regularized multi-view learning
HQ Minh, L Bazzani, V Murino
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (25), 1-72, 2016
A unifying framework for vector-valued manifold regularization and multi-view learning
MH Quang, L Bazzani, V Murino
International conference on machine learning, 100-108, 2013
Kernel-based classification for brain connectivity graphs on the Riemannian manifold of positive definite matrices
L Dodero, HQ Minh, M San Biagio, V Murino, D Sona
2015 IEEE 12th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 42-45, 2015
Vector-valued manifold regularization
HQ Minh, V Sindhwani
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2011
Image and video colorization using vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
M Ha Quang, SH Kang, TM Le
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 37 (1), 49-65, 2010
Scalable matrix-valued kernel learning for high-dimensional nonlinear multivariate regression and granger causality
V Sindhwani, MH Quang, AC Lozano
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.4792, 2012
Entropy-regularized 2-Wasserstein distance between Gaussian measures
A Mallasto, A Gerolin, HQ Minh
Information Geometry 5 (1), 289-323, 2022
Covariances in computer vision and machine learning
HQ Minh, V Murino
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2017
Infinite-dimensional Log-Determinant divergences between positive definite trace class operators
HQ Minh
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 528, 331-383, 2017
Approximate Log-Hilbert-Schmidt Distances Between Covariance Operators for Image Classification
HQ Minh, M San Biagio, L Bazzani, V Murino
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016
Operator-valued Bochner theorem, Fourier feature maps for operator-valued kernels, and vector-valued learning
HQ Minh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.05639, 2016
Trusting skype: Learning the way people chat for fast user recognition and verification
G Roffo, M Cristani, L Bazzani, H Minh, V Murino
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2013
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces in learning theory
MH Quang
Brown University, 2006
Multivariate slow feature analysis and decorrelation filtering for blind source separation
HQ Minh, L Wiskott
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (7), 2737-2750, 2013
Algorithmic advances in Riemannian geometry and applications
HQ Minh, V Murino, HQ Minh
Springer, 2016
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Articles 1–20