Mikael Andéhn
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Cited by
Facets of country image and brand equity: Revisiting the role of product categories in country‐of‐origin effect research
M Andéhn, F Nordin, ME Nilsson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (3), 225-238, 2016
User-generated place brand equity on Twitter: The dynamics of brand associations in social media
M Andéhn, A Kazeminia, A Lucarelli, E Sevin
Place branding and public diplomacy 10, 132-144, 2014
Against the implicit politics of service-dominant logic
J Hietanen, M Andéhn, A Bradshaw
Marketing Theory 18 (1), 101-119, 2018
The variable nature of country-to-brand association and its impact on the strength of the country-of-origin effect
M Andéhn, P L’Espoir Decosta
International Marketing Review 33 (6), 851-866, 2016
Evaluating roadside noise barriers using an annoyance-reduction criterion
ME Nilsson, M Andéhn, P Leśna
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 (6), 3561-3567, 2008
Re-imagining the country-of-origin effect: a promulgation approach
M Andéhn, JNP L'Espoir Decosta
Journal of Product & Brand Management 27 (7), 884-896, 2018
From branded exports to traveler imports: Building destination image on the factory floor in South Korea
JS Ryu, JNPLE Decosta, M Andéhn
Tourism Management 52 (1), 298-309, 2016
More than meets the eye: videography and production of desire in semiocapitalism
J Hietanen, M Andéhn
Journal of Marketing Management 34 (5-6), 539-556, 2018
Authenticity and Product Geography in the Making of the Agritourism Destination
M Andéhn, JNP L’Espoir Decosta
Journal of Travel Research 60 (6), 1282-1300, 2021
Performing place promotion—On implaced identity in marketized geographies
M Andéhn, J Hietanen, A Lucarelli
Marketing Theory 20 (3), 321-342, 2020
The inhuman challenge: Writing with dark desire
J Hietanen, M Andéhn, A Wickström
Organization 27 (5), 742–754, 2020
Place of origin effects–From nations to cities: A conceptual framework based on a literature review
M Andéhn, PO Berg
2nd international place branding conference, Bogotá, 1-24, 2011
Place branding in systems of place–On the interrelation of nations and supranational places
M Andéhn, S Zenker
Inter-Regional Place Branding, Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions., 25-37, 2015
The magic of ethical brands: Interpassivity and the thievish joy of delegated consumption.
M Walz, S Hingston, M Andéhn
ephemera: theory & politics in organization 14 (1), 2014
The Country Of Origin Effect – Key Issues And Future Direction
M Andéhn, A Gloukhovtsev, J Schouten
2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong, 1746-1754, 2016
Looking for authenticity in product geography
JNP L'Espoir Decosta, M Andéhn
Authenticity & Tourism (Tourism Social Science Series, Vol. 24) 2, 15-31, 2018
Place-of-origin effects on brand equity: explicating the evaluative pertinence of product categories and association strength
M Andéhn
School of Business, Stockholm University, 2013
Entrepreneurial subjectivation and capitalist desire–affective potentials of ‘expressive videography’
J Hietanen, M Andéhn, A Wickström, P Takala
Journal of Marketing Management 38 (15-16), 1756-1776, 2022
Consuming a machinic servicescape
J Hietanen, M Andéhn, T Iddon, I Denny, A Ehnhage
Advances in Consumer Research 44, 304-308, 2016
Managerial–Consumer Eco-Harmful Media Perceptions and Eco-Conscious Attitudes: Understanding the Context Within Green Media
CA Rademaker, MR Stafford, M Andéhn
Journal of Advertising Research 60 (3), 290-304, 2020
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Articles 1–20