Alexander Sehlström
Cited by
Cited by
Form-finding of shells containing both tension and compression using the Airy stress function
M Miki, E Adiels, W Baker, T Mitchell, A Sehlström, CJK Williams
International Journal of Space Structures 37 (4), 261-282, 2022
Multiobjective topology optimization: Tracing of Pareto-optimal structures with respect to volume, compliance and fundamental eigenvalue
A Sehlström
Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2013
The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures
E Adiels, M Ander, E Hörteborn, J Olsson, KG Olsson, A Sehlström, ...
Proceedings of the Advances in Architectural Geometry conference 2018, 286-315, 2018
Design of tension structures and shells using the Airy stress function
A Sehlström, KG Olsson, CJK Williams
International Journal of Space Structures 37 (2), 94-106, 2022
Prestress in Nature and Technics
A Sehlström
Chalmers University of technology, 2019
Prestressed gridshell structures
M Ander, A Sehlström, P Shepherd, CJK Williams
Proceedings if the IASS Symposium 2017, 2017
Tensioned principle curvature cable nets on minimal surfaces
A Sehlström, CJK Williams
Advances in Architectural Geometry, 84-107, 2021
Architectural design methods used in engineering Master's thesis projects
A Sehlström, M Ander, KG Olsson
KUL2021: Chalmers Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande, 2021
Prestress and its application to shell, fabric, and cable net structures
A Sehlström
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of …, 2021
Multi-objective topology optimization
A Sehlstroem
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, 2013
Should Torroja’s prestressed concrete Alloz aqueduct be thought of as a beam or a shell?
A Sehlström, KG Olsson, CJK Williams
Engineering Structures 264, 114425, 2022
Moving Mesh and Image Registration in FEniCS
J Larsson, A Logg, K Modin, A Sehlström
30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM30, 180-183, 2017
On multi-objective topology optimization and tracing of Pareto-optimal structures
A Sehlström, H Johansson, M Ander
29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM29, 2016
Unloaded prestressed shell formed from a closed surface unattached to any supports
A Sehlström, CJK Williams
Form and Force - IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019, 2019
The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures
C Williams, P Shepherd, E Adiels, M Ander, E Hörteborn, J Olsson, ...
Advances in Architectural Geometry, 2018
Pre-stressed Geodesic Gridshell
J Isaksson, A Sehlström, M Skeppstedt
Architectural design methods used in engineering
A Sehlström, M Ander, KG Olsson
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Articles 1–17