Ali Abdelzadeh
Ali Abdelzadeh
Postdoc in Political Sciences - Political Socialization Program (PSP) at Örebro University
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Cited by
Solid or flexible? Social trust from early adolescence to young adulthood
A Abdelzadeh, E Lundberg
Scandinavian Political Studies 40 (2), 207-227, 2017
Procedural fairness and political trust among young people: Evidence from a panel study on Swedish high school students
A Abdelzadeh, P Zetterberg, J Ekman
Acta Politica 50, 253-278, 2015
The role of school climate in explaining changes in social trust over time
E Lundberg, A Abdelzadeh
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 63 (5), 712-724, 2019
Self-selection or socialization? The longitudinal relation between civic engagement and political orientations among adolescents
V Dahl, A Abdelzadeh
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 46 (6), 1250-1269, 2017
Dissatisfied citizens: An asset to or a liability on the democratic functioning of society?
A Abdelzadeh, M Özdemir, M Van Zalk
Scandinavian Political Studies 38 (4), 410-436, 2015
Understanding critical citizenship and other forms of public dissatisfaction: An alternative framework
A Abdelzadeh, J Ekman
Politics, Culture and Socialization 3 (1-2), 179-196, 2012
Time matters: Civic engagement and the development of anti-immigrant attitudes among adolescents
E Lundberg, A Abdelzadeh
Acta Politica 57 (3), 597-620, 2022
The role of community trust for compliance with the Swedish COVID-19 immunisation programme
A Mankell, A Abdelzadeh
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 51 (5), 704-710, 2023
Ungas röst: En studie om ungdomars valdeltagande 2018 och deras egna tankar om att delta i val
A Abdelzadeh, E Lundberg
Myndigheten för ungdoms-och civilsamhällesfrågor, 2022
The moderating role of political interest: Investigating involvement in institutional and non-institutional political participation among young adults in Sweden
V Dahl, A Abdelzadeh, S Sohl
PCS–Politics, Culture and Socialization 7 (1+ 2), 21-22, 2018
The development of tolerance among the young
E Lundberg, A Abdelzadeh
The Living History Forum, 2017
Utvecklingen av tolerans bland unga
E Lundberg, A Abdelzadeh
Toleransens mechanismer: An antologi. Stockholm: Forum för Levande Historia, 2017
En arena för tillit och tolerans?
A Abdelzadeh, E Amnå, E Lundberg
Centrum för idrottsforskning, 2016
Den missnöjda demokraten
A Abdelzadeh
Låt fler forma framtiden 96, 607-651, 2016
Transcending dichotomies: The many faces of youth dissatisfaction in democracy
A Abdelzadeh
Örebro university, 2014
Building trust in times of crisis: A panel study of the influence of satisfaction with COVID‐19 communication and management
A Abdelzadeh, T Sedelius
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 32 (1), e12531, 2024
The impact of political conviction on the relation between winning or losing and political dissatisfaction: Findings from Sweden
A Abdelzadeh
Sage Open 4 (2), 2158244014535414, 2014
Tolerans och andra medborgarkompetenser
A Abdelzadeh, E Lundberg
I Toleransens mekanismer: en antologi. Lundberg, Erik (red.). Stockholm …, 2017
Det demokratiska utanförskapets geografi
A Abdelzadeh, E Lundberg
Kommittén demokratin 100 år, 2022
Tolerance and other citizen competencies
A Abdelzadeh, E Lundberg
Forum för levande historia, 2017
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Articles 1–20