Burkard Hillebrands
Burkard Hillebrands
Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
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Cited by
magnon spintronics
AV Chumak, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature Physics 11 (6), 453, 2015
YIG magnonics
AA Serga, AV Chumak, B Hillebrands
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (26), 264002, 2010
Review on spintronics: Principles and device applications
A Hirohata, K Yamada, Y Nakatani, IL Prejbeanu, B Diény, P Pirro, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 509, 166711, 2020
Bose–Einstein condensation of quasi-equilibrium magnons at room temperature under pumping
SO Demokritov, VE Demidov, O Dzyapko, GA Melkov, AA Serga, ...
Nature 443 (7110), 430-433, 2006
Magnon transistor for all-magnon data processing
AV Chumak, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature communications 5 (1), 4700, 2014
Realization of spin-wave logic gates
T Schneider, AA Serga, B Leven, B Hillebrands, RL Stamps, MP Kostylev
Applied Physics Letters 92 (2), 2008
Brillouin light scattering studies of confined spin waves: linear and nonlinear confinement
SO Demokritov, B Hillebrands, AN Slavin
Physics Reports 348 (6), 441-489, 2001
Spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures I
B Hillebrands, K Ounadjela
Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
The 2021 magnonics roadmap
A Barman, G Gubbiotti, S Ladak, AO Adeyeye, M Krawczyk, J Gräfe, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (41), 413001, 2021
Spin-wave logical gates
MP Kostylev, AA Serga, T Schneider, B Leven, B Hillebrands
Applied Physics Letters 87 (15), 2005
Magnonic crystals for data processing
AV Chumak, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (24), 244001, 2017
Spin wave wells in nonellipsoidal micrometer size magnetic elements
J Jorzick, SO Demokritov, B Hillebrands, M Bailleul, C Fermon, ...
Physical Review Letters 88 (4), 047204, 2002
The 2017 magnetism roadmap
D Sander, SO Valenzuela, D Makarov, CH Marrows, EE Fullerton, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (36), 363001, 2017
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, AO Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-72, 2022
The 2014 magnetism roadmap
RL Stamps, S Breitkreutz, J Åkerman, AV Chumak, YC Otani, GEW Bauer, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (33), 333001, 2014
Realization of a spin-wave multiplexer
K Vogt, FY Fradin, JE Pearson, T Sebastian, SD Bader, B Hillebrands, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3727, 2014
Effective dipolar boundary conditions for dynamic magnetization in thin magnetic stripes
KY Guslienko, SO Demokritov, B Hillebrands, AN Slavin
Physical Review B 66 (13), 132402, 2002
Spin pumping by parametrically excited exchange magnons
CW Sandweg, Y Kajiwara, AV Chumak, AA Serga, VI Vasyuchka, ...
Physical review letters 106 (21), 216601, 2011
Advances in coherent magnonics
P Pirro, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature Reviews Materials 6 (12), 1114-1135, 2021
Micro-focused Brillouin light scattering: imaging spin waves at the nanoscale
T Sebastian, K Schultheiss, B Obry, B Hillebrands, H Schultheiss
Frontiers in Physics 3, 35, 2015
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Articles 1–20