Raghunath Tewari
Raghunath Tewari
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Directed planar reachability is in unambiguous log-space
C Bourke, R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 1 (1), 1-17, 2009
Greenʼs theorem and isolation in planar graphs
R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran
Information and Computation 215, 1-7, 2012
New time-space upperbounds for directed reachability in high-genus and h-minor-free graphs
D Chakraborty, A Pavan, R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran, LF Yang
34th International Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and …, 2014
Space complexity of perfect matching in bounded genus bipartite graphs
S Datta, R Kulkarni, R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78 (3), 765-779, 2012
On the power of unambiguity in logspace
A Pavan, R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran
arXiv preprint arXiv:1001.2034, 2010
Improved bounds for bipartite matching on surfaces
S Datta, A Gopalan, R Kulkarni, R Tewari
29th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 2012
Unambiguous catalytic computation
C Gupta, R Jain, VR Sharma, R Tewari
39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and …, 2019
An O(nε) Space and Polynomial Time Algorithm for Reachability in Directed Layered Planar Graphs
D Chakraborty, R Tewari
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 9 (4), 1-11, 2017
Randomized and symmetric catalytic computation
S Datta, C Gupta, R Jain, VR Sharma, R Tewari
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 211-223, 2020
Trading determinism for time in space bounded computations
VAT Kallampally, R Tewari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04649, 2016
Derandomizing Isolation Lemma for -free and -free Bipartite Graphs
R Arora, A Gupta, R Gurjar, R Tewari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.7614, 2014
ReachFewL = ReachUL
B Garvin, D Stolee, R Tewari, NV Vinodchandran
computational complexity 23, 85-98, 2014
Reachability in high treewidth graphs
R Jain, R Tewari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11285, 2019
Perfect matching in bipartite planar graphs is in UL
S Datta, R Kulkarni, R Tewari
Technical Report TR10-201, ECCC, 2011
Reachability in O (log n) Genus Graphs is in Unambiguous Logspace
C Gupta, VR Sharma, R Tewari
36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 2019
An O (n^(1/4+ epsilon)) Space and Polynomial Algorithm for Grid Graph Reachability
R Jain, R Tewari
39th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and …, 2019
Simultaneous time-space upper bounds for red-blue path problem in planar DAGs
D Chakraborty, R Tewari
International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, 258-269, 2015
Simultaneous time-space upper bounds for certain problems in planar graphs
D Chakraborty, R Tewari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02135, 2015
Optimal segment size for fixed-sized segment protection in wavelength-routed optical networks
R Tewari, B Ramamurthy
2009 IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Networks and …, 2009
Reachability and matching in single crossing minor free graphs
S Datta, C Gupta, R Jain, A Mukherjee, VR Sharma, R Tewari
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.13940, 2021
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Articles 1–20