Expression intensity, gender and facial emotion recognition: Women recognize only subtle facial emotions better than men H Hoffmann, H Kessler, T Eppel, S Rukavina, HC Traue Acta psychologica 135 (3), 278-283, 2010 | 530 | 2010 |
Factors affecting burnout and compassion fatigue in psychotherapists treating torture survivors: is the therapist's attitude to working through trauma relevant? RMK Deighton, N Gurris, H Traue Journal of traumatic stress 20 (1), 63-75, 2007 | 294 | 2007 |
The biovid heat pain database data for the advancement and systematic validation of an automated pain recognition system S Walter, S Gruss, H Ehleiter, J Tan, HC Traue, P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, ... 2013 IEEE international conference on cybernetics (CYBCO), 128-131, 2013 | 288 | 2013 |
Alexithymia and facial emotion recognition in patients with eating disorders H Kessler, M Schwarze, S Filipic, HC Traue, J von Wietersheim International Journal of Eating Disorders 39 (3), 245-251, 2006 | 244 | 2006 |
The gross anatomy course: an analysis of its importance A Böckers, L Jerg‐Bretzke, C Lamp, A Brinkmann, HC Traue, TM Böckers Anatomical sciences education 3 (1), 3-11, 2010 | 243 | 2010 |
Emotion und Gesundheit: die psychobiologische Regulation durch Hemmungen HC Traue Spektrum, Akad. Verlag, 1998 | 225 | 1998 |
Automatic pain assessment with facial activity descriptors P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, K Limbrecht-Ecklundt, S Walter, S Gruss, ... IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 8 (3), 286-299, 2016 | 180 | 2016 |
Automatic pain recognition from video and biomedical signals P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, R Niese, S Walter, S Gruss, HC Traue 2014 22nd international conference on pattern recognition, 4582-4587, 2014 | 170 | 2014 |
Facial emotion recognition and alexithymia in adults with somatoform disorders F Pedrosa Gil, N Ridout, H Kessler, M Neuffer, C Schoechlin, HC Traue, ... Depression and anxiety 26 (1), E26-E33, 2009 | 155 | 2009 |
Pain intensity recognition rates via biopotential feature patterns with support vector machines S Gruss, R Treister, P Werner, HC Traue, S Crawcour, A Andrade, ... PloS one 10 (10), e0140330, 2015 | 152 | 2015 |
Facially expressed emotion labeling (FEEL): PC-gestützter test zur Emotionserkennung H Kessler, P Bayerl, RM Deighton, HC Traue Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin 23 (3), 297-306, 2002 | 152 | 2002 |
Inhibition and psychosomatic processes. JW Pennebaker, HC Traue Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1993 | 145 | 1993 |
Emotion inhibition and health. HC Traue, JW Pennebaker Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1993 | 123 | 1993 |
Regulation of emotions in the community: Suppression and reappraisal strategies and its psychometric properties J Wiltink, H Glaesmer, M Canterino, K Wölfling, A Knebel, H Kessler, ... GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine 8, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Towards pain monitoring: Facial expression, head pose, a new database, an automatic system and remaining challenges P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, R Niese, S Walter, S Gruss, HC Traue Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 1-13, 2013 | 116 | 2013 |
Repeatability of facial electromyography (EMG) activity over corrugator supercilii and zygomaticus major on differentiating various emotions JW Tan, S Walter, A Scheck, D Hrabal, H Hoffmann, H Kessler, HC Traue Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 3, 3-10, 2012 | 113 | 2012 |
Emotion recognition patterns in patients with panic disorder H Kessler, J Roth, J Von Wietersheim, RM Deighton, HC Traue Depression and anxiety 24 (3), 223-226, 2007 | 113 | 2007 |
Emotion recognition in stroke patients with left and right hemispheric lesion: Results with a new instrument—the FEEL Test M Braun, HC Traue, S Frisch, RM Deighton, H Kessler Brain and Cognition 58 (2), 193-201, 2005 | 105 | 2005 |
An investigation of facial emotion recognition impairments in alexithymia and its neural correlates S Jongen, N Axmacher, NAW Kremers, H Hoffmann, ... Behavioural brain research 271, 129-139, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
Automatic pain quantification using autonomic parameters S Walter, S Gruss, K Limbrecht-Ecklundt, HC Traue, P Werner, ... Psychology & Neuroscience 7, 363-380, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |