Sushanta Mallick
Sushanta Mallick
Professor of International Finance, Queen Mary University of London
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Is financial inclusion good for bank stability? International evidence
MM Ahamed, SK Mallick
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 157, 403-427, 2019
The effect of monetary policy on output in EMU3: A sign restriction approach
MS Rafiq, SK Mallick
Journal of Macroeconomics 30 (4), 1756-1791, 2008
Financial reforms and income inequality
L Agnello, SK Mallick, RM Sousa
Economics Letters 116 (3), 583-587, 2012
Real effects of monetary policy in large emerging economies
SK Mallick, RM Sousa
Macroeconomic Dynamics 16 (S2), 190-212, 2012
Fiscal and monetary policies in the BRICS: A panel VAR approach
F Jawadi, SK Mallick, RM Sousa
Economic Modelling 58, 535-542, 2016
Export premium, self‐selection and learning‐by‐exporting: Evidence from Chinese matched firms
Y Yang, S Mallick
The World Economy 33 (10), 1218-1240, 2010
Effectiveness of countercyclical fiscal policy: Evidence from developing Asia
S Jha, SK Mallick, D Park, PF Quising
Journal of Macroeconomics 40, 82-98, 2014
The real effects of financial stress in the Eurozone
SK Mallick, RM Sousa
International Review of Financial Analysis 30, 1-17, 2013
Do managerial practices matter in innovation and firm performance relations? New evidence from the UK
I Nemlioglu, SK Mallick
European Financial Management 23 (5), 1016-1061, 2017
TFP estimation at firm level: The fiscal aspect of productivity convergence in the UK
I Bournakis, S Mallick
Economic Modelling 70, 579-590, 2018
Monetary and financial stability in the euro area: Pro-cyclicality versus trade-off
B Granville, S Mallick
Journal of International financial markets, institutions and money 19 (4 …, 2009
Inclusive banking, financial regulation and bank performance: Cross-country evidence
MM Ahamed, SJ Ho, SK Mallick, R Matousek
Journal of Banking & Finance 124, 106055, 2021
The impact of information technology on the banking industry
SJ Ho, SK Mallick
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (2), 211-221, 2010
Commodity prices, inflationary pressures, and monetary policy: evidence from BRICS economies
SK Mallick, RM Sousa
Open economies review 24, 677-694, 2013
Exchange rate regime, real misalignment and currency crises
O Holtemöller, S Mallick
Economic Modelling 34, 5-14, 2013
Foreign capital in a growth model
S Mallick, T Moore
Review of Development Economics 12 (1), 143-159, 2008
Fisher hypothesis: UK evidence over a century
B Granville, S Mallick
Applied Economics Letters 11 (2), 87-90, 2004
Knowledge spillovers and output per worker: an industry‐level analysis for OECD countries
I Bournakis, D Christopoulos, S Mallick
Economic Inquiry 56 (2), 1028-1046, 2018
Passthrough of exchange rate and tariffs into import prices of India: currency depreciation versus import liberalization
S Mallick, H Marques
Review of International Economics 16 (4), 765-782, 2008
Productivity performance of export market entry and exit: evidence from I ndian firms
S Mallick, Y Yang
Review of International Economics 21 (4), 809-824, 2013
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Articles 1–20