bernard bourles
bernard bourles
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The PIRATA program: History, accomplishments, and future directions
B Bourlès, R Lumpkin, MJ McPhaden, F Hernandez, P Nobre, E Campos, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89 (8), 1111-1126, 2008
Argo data 1999–2019: Two million temperature-salinity profiles and subsurface velocity observations from a global array of profiling floats
APS Wong, SE Wijffels, SC Riser, S Pouliquen, S Hosoda, D Roemmich, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 700, 2020
Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006
S Janicot, CD Thorncroft, A Ali, N Asencio, G Berry, O Bock, B Bourlès, ...
Annales Geophysicae 26 (9), 2569-2595, 2008
Freshwater paths across the ocean: molecular phylogeny of the frog Ptychadena newtoni gives insights into amphibian colonization of oceanic islands
G John Measey, M Vences, RC Drewes, Y Chiari, M Melo, B Bourles
Journal of Biogeography 34 (1), 7-20, 2007
The AMMA field campaigns: multiscale and multidisciplinary observations in the West African region
T Lebel, DJ Parker, C Flamant, B Bourlès, B Marticorena, E Mougin, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (S1), 8-33, 2010
The global tropical moored buoy array
MJ McPhaden, K Ando, B Bourles, HP Freitag, R Lumpkin, Y Masumoto, ...
Proceedings of OceanObs 9, 668-682, 2010
On the circulation in the upper layer of the western equatorial Atlantic
B Bourlès, Y Gouriou, R Chuchla
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C9), 21151-21170, 1999
The barrier layer in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean
K Pailler, B Bourlès, Y Gouriou
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (14), 2069-2072, 1999
Evolving and sustaining ocean best practices and standards for the next decade
J Pearlman, M Bushnell, L Coppola, J Karstensen, PL Buttigieg, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 277, 2019
Upper layer currents in the western tropical North Atlantic (1989–1991)
B Bourles, RL Molinari, E Johns, WD Wilson, KD Leaman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C1), 1361-1375, 1999
Hydrographic sections across the Atlantic at 7 30N and 4 30S
M Arhan, H Mercier, B Bourlès, Y Gouriou
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 45 (6), 829-872, 1998
The zonal currents and transports at 35 W in the tropical Atlantic
FA Schott, M Dengler, P Brandt, K Affler, J Fischer, B Bourles, Y Gouriou, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (7), 2003
The tropical Atlantic observing system
GR Foltz, P Brandt, I Richter, B Rodríguez-Fonseca, F Hernandez, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 206, 2019
Equatorial upper‐ocean dynamics and their interaction with the West African monsoon
P Brandt, G Caniaux, B Bourles, A Lazar, M Dengler, A Funk, V Hormann, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 12 (1), 24-30, 2011
PIRATA: A sustained observing system for tropical Atlantic climate research and forecasting
B Bourlès, M Araujo, MJ McPhaden, P Brandt, GR Foltz, R Lumpkin, ...
Earth and Space Science 6 (4), 577-616, 2019
Circulation in the central equatorial Atlantic: Mean and intraseasonal to seasonal variability
P Brandt, FA Schott, C Provost, A Kartavtseff, V Hormann, B Bourlès, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (7), 2006
Why were sea surface temperatures so different in the eastern equatorial Atlantic in June 2005 and 2006?
F Marin, G Caniaux, H Giordani, B Bourlès, Y Gouriou, E Key
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (6), 1416-1431, 2009
Tropical Atlantic contributions to strong rainfall variability along the Northeast Brazilian coast
GA Hounsou-Gbo, M Araujo, B Bourlès, D Veleda, J Servain
Advances in meteorology 2015 (1), 902084, 2015
Oxygen tongues and zonal currents in the equatorial Atlantic
P Brandt, V Hormann, B Bourlès, J Fischer, FA Schott, L Stramma, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C4), 2008
Deep circulation in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Y Gouriou, C Andrié, B Bourlès, S Freudenthal, S Arnault, A Aman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (5), 819-822, 2001
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Articles 1–20