Dengsheng Lu
Dengsheng Lu
Professor of physical geography, Fujian Normal University
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Change detection techniques
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondizio, E Moran
International journal of remote sensing 25 (12), 2365-2401, 2004
A survey of image classification methods and techniques for improving classification performance
D Lu, Q Weng
International journal of Remote sensing 28 (5), 823-870, 2007
Estimation of land surface temperature–vegetation abundance relationship for urban heat island studies
Q Weng, D Lu, J Schubring
Remote sensing of Environment 89 (4), 467-483, 2004
The potential and challenge of remote sensing‐based biomass estimation
D Lu
International journal of remote sensing 27 (7), 1297-1328, 2006
Use of impervious surface in urban land-use classification
D Lu, Q Weng
Remote sensing of environment 102 (1-2), 146-160, 2006
A survey of remote sensing-based aboveground biomass estimation methods in forest ecosystems
D Lu, Q Chen, G Wang, L Liu, G Li, E Moran
International Journal of Digital Earth 9 (1), 63-105, 2016
Aboveground biomass estimation using Landsat TM data in the Brazilian Amazon
D Lu
International journal of remote sensing 26 (12), 2509-2525, 2005
Spectral mixture analysis of the urban landscape in Indianapolis with Landsat ETM+ imagery
D Lu, Q Weng
Photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing 70 (9), 1053-1062, 2004
Relationships between forest stand parameters and Landsat TM spectral responses in the Brazilian Amazon Basin
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondı́zio, E Moran
Forest ecology and management 198 (1-3), 149-167, 2004
Mapping soil erosion risk in Rondonia, Brazilian Amazonia: using RUSLE, remote sensing and GIS
D Lu, G Li, GS Valladares, M Batistella
Land degradation & development 15 (5), 499-512, 2004
Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat TM data applicable to Amazon basin LBA research
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondizio, E Moran
International journal of remote sensing 23 (13), 2651-2671, 2002
Regional mapping of human settlements in southeastern China with multisensor remotely sensed data
D Lu, H Tian, G Zhou, H Ge
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (9), 3668-3679, 2008
Linear mixture model applied to Amazonian vegetation classification
D Lu, E Moran, M Batistella
Remote sensing of environment 87 (4), 456-469, 2003
A sub-pixel analysis of urbanization effect on land surface temperature and its interplay with impervious surface and vegetation coverage in Indianapolis, United States
Q Weng, D Lu
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 10 (1 …, 2008
Aboveground forest biomass estimation with Landsat and LiDAR data and uncertainty analysis of the estimates
D Lu, Q Chen, G Wang, E Moran, M Batistella, M Zhang, G Vaglio Laurin, ...
International Journal of Forestry Research 2012 (1), 436537, 2012
Urban classification using full spectral information of Landsat ETM+ imagery in Marion County, Indiana
D Lu, Q Weng
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 71 (11), 1275-1284, 2005
A comparative analysis of megacity expansions in China and the US: Patterns, rates and driving forces
W Kuang, W Chi, D Lu, Y Dou
Landscape and urban planning 132, 121-135, 2014
Spectral mixture analysis of ASTER images for examining the relationship between urban thermal features and biophysical descriptors in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
D Lu, Q Weng
Remote Sensing of Environment 104 (2), 157-167, 2006
Assessing the effects of land use and land cover patterns on thermal conditions using landscape metrics in city of Indianapolis, United States
Q Weng, H Liu, D Lu
Urban ecosystems 10, 203-219, 2007
Examining spectral reflectance saturation in Landsat imagery and corresponding solutions to improve forest aboveground biomass estimation
P Zhao, D Lu, G Wang, C Wu, Y Huang, S Yu
Remote Sensing 8 (6), 469, 2016
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Articles 1–20